The Great Manhattan Bus Fuss

May 29, 2007 19:58

I did mention we were in New York taking Aliza to visit her grandparents and aunts and cousins, didn't I?  Well we are... as I type this, she's having a bit of a fuss whilst attended to by her grandfather.

Okay, so we flew in on Saturday (Upper Class, very nice, some day I'd like to try it out without the added hinderance of children - I guess I'll be waiting 20+ years for that!).

Sunday we endured much fussing from herself as she adjusted to the change in timezone, though we did escape briefly to go buy a new camera (Canon SP A630, or something like that...).

Monday was the Day of the Relatives: half a dozen or more, all being noisy, all fussing over her, and no wonder she got cranky.  And of course far too much food, which is now mostly stuffing up the fridge.

Today was Manhattan, with two goals in mind:
1. The recently re-opened Greek and Roman galleries at the Met.
2. FAO Schwarz to get her a teddy bear.

We achieved both, with a walk in Central Park in between, then decided to take the bus back up from FAO (59th and 5th) to the Met (80th or so).  This meant a Madison Avenue bus (5th being a down route, and we needed to go up), and it was busy - so we had to hold her and fold the buggy.  She fussed solidly for 20 blocks.  She was getting looks from everyone on the bus.  Thus, the title of this post.

The drive back wasn't as bad as it could've been, except just short of home she woke up and cried the rest of the way home.

There you are; up to date.  If you're really unlucky, I'll post more later.  Prey that apathy strikes.

new york, aliza

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