I’ll go ahead and forewarn those of you who are only watching me for me art, or who are not religious, or not Christian, that those subjects are what this entry are all about. Namely, my religion, Christianity, and the fact that I’m bored to death.
cut for very long rant and if you actually read it all I will be amazed at you )
I can understand where you are coming from on many levels. The church I attended in high school I got bored with very quickly because it seemed that it didn't matter what the preacher started with, it always came back to the same thing, that we should be at church every time the doors are open and that we should be putting in our tithe every time the plate was passed. I've been in a lot of churches and found few that I felt were truly faithful. The last church I attended was the church my parents now attend. The behavior of the people there, especially that of my mother, drove me from that church. I've not lost my faith, but I have lost my faith in the church. And keep in mind that my bachelors degree is in Bible :)
If you're wanting to expand your knowledge about the Bible, how it developed, etc. try checking out books dealing with archeology. I would suggest that not all the books you read be published by the church. I've picked up several books that I've found interesting including "Misquoting Jesus" which deals with how the Bible has changed over the years and "The Gospel of Judas". You might even expand your study to other religions/mythologies as well. In these days, Islam is good to be familiar with and with the area that you are in, getting familiar with alternative religions would be a good idea as well. It's always a good idea to be familiar with other religions so that when you enter a discussion concerning them, you go in with some knowledge of what is being discussed. Just a suggestion :)
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