It's getting to be that time.

Dec 20, 2008 17:15

No, not Christmas. (Though that's coming up too, isn't it? Guess I oughta start shopping. >.>)

Data backup time.

See, I have two computers (Matilda, 6 years old, hard drives nearly full, and about due for a rebuild; and Mitsu-chan, 1 year old, and getting filled up quite quickly), a bit less than 400 GB of hard drive space between them, and NONE OF IT IS BACKED UP. All of my music, all of my scanned art, and all of my photoshop files are on those babies. And okay, sure, I could be a good kid and burn stuff to DVDs. But burning all that onto a bunch of 4GB discs? Not my idea of fun. And I don't trust myself not to lose them or get them all scratched up, anyway.

So it's time for an external drive!

Years of hanging out with geeks suggest to me that Western Digital and Seagate are the best brands for hard drives, but am I just making that up? Are there others I ought to be considering? Right now I can get a Western Digital terabyte drive from Newegg for about $110, which seems like a pretty sweet deal, but I want some advice before I plunge in like an idiot.

Help, anyone?
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