
Aug 14, 2010 12:44

Originally uploaded by eldan We spent much of June traveling - first London to catch up with friends, then Turkey with my side of the family, and then Michigan with Melinda's parents. I finished editing the London photos a while ago but I hadn't got around to posting this.

The London part wasn't that great a trip for touristy stuff, because I went out a week earlier than Melinda and worked during the days, but it was an unusually good week for stumbling across unexpected things, and I think working from there is good for me because everyone I want to see is busy during the day anyway.  I did take a bunch of photos, and made a special effort this time to get at least one picture of each person I met up with, though I didn't quite succeed in that.

I also did a bit of scouting around for work, exploring an interesting stream restoration project that I still need to write about....

work, photography, london, travel

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