i have twitter.. ive done some things on fb ... but i hate FB .. big time. For posting updates? its a half way house between LJ and Twitter.. twitter you get 140 chars.. great! .. so you post quick simple points. LJ - post everything you want! in full detail and colour! wooot!.. FB? .. eugh.. youre in the middle of pouring your heart out onto it and BANG.. brick wall character limit. Not only that.. i just dooont like the way it all works.. maybe im old fassioned at the age of 26 >.> .. but seriously .. what is wrong with the way LJ handles things? .. and then theres the whole app stuff.. euuuugh.. invites.. random adds.. and the retarded FB admin team "its not your real name so we blocked your account with no notification or warning, and i know you requested reactivation 5 months ago but we cant be arsed to respond".. so yeah. i dont like FB - i didnt like it before one of my accounts was closed - but since i hardly ever used the thing, i didnt see it as being that horrific that they closed the acccount (i have a new one .. which i havent logged into for about 3 months now)
for years i never got what even live journal was about -- took an earth shattering event to actually show me how much it really could mean to people -- so - here i am, typing a huge comment that wouldnt be allowed on FB or Twitter :P *hugs* ^^
Not only that.. i just dooont like the way it all works.. maybe im old fassioned at the age of 26 >.> .. but seriously .. what is wrong with the way LJ handles things? .. and then theres the whole app stuff.. euuuugh.. invites.. random adds.. and the retarded FB admin team "its not your real name so we blocked your account with no notification or warning, and i know you requested reactivation 5 months ago but we cant be arsed to respond".. so yeah. i dont like FB - i didnt like it before one of my accounts was closed - but since i hardly ever used the thing, i didnt see it as being that horrific that they closed the acccount (i have a new one .. which i havent logged into for about 3 months now)
for years i never got what even live journal was about -- took an earth shattering event to actually show me how much it really could mean to people -- so - here i am, typing a huge comment that wouldnt be allowed on FB or Twitter :P *hugs* ^^
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