The day the digital you quenched you
You need to be conscious of the information you generate. Lastly I'm more and more concerned about how much data is in Internet about you. Fortunately, my real name is quite common, and 'the other myselfs', amongst them a famous Cuban baseball player, are generating more noise than me. The point is the next: in Internet there is not yet a CLEAR regulation about who's who, and who can access to what. This is left to your responsibility, unfortunately, blogs and similar are not informing you about the risks of the default options.
For example, I began with this blog, that is already around 5 years old, first as an experiment -nobody had blogs those happy days-, later to organize some events, and after that to stay in touch with friends. So if you go back to the very first entries, you should be able to construct on your own an idea of the type of person I am, by reading all from the very beginning (are you able to comment about? I challenge you!)
Over the past years, however, I made a lot of changes in the entries: some of them that were not before are now 'only friends', some of them have been translated onto English, some deleted. The reasons for doing so were diverse, but I want to comment on one. After arriving to where I am now (do you know where? I challenge you!) I was commenting on what I was doing and the people I met here... until a good friend of mine met this blog (I didn't advertise it) and told me that the people I'm commenting on could feel offended by what I was saying. Don't think I was not careful, I was being careful! The point is that my friend, knowing me, was able to guess who was the author of this blog and about what I was writing.
You need to be agree with me. Nowadays we are order of magnitude more linked than before. I read the blogs of 4 or 5 friends. I don't mind if they read mine, to be updated we have Facebook. So if you want to get a new job, or even better, if you want to hire a new worker, what will you do first? I will type his name in Google... to study his digital shadow: how active he's in forums (like computing forums, for example), what kind of facebook settings he has, if he has a blog, what kind of blog... we became 'digital people', and you can say you don't know one person until he's in your facebook and you read all his blog.
This is just a warning. I want you to know soon there will be two humans on earth: the homo sapiens and the homo digitalis. You probably read about (if not, I let you a couple of links at the end of the post) the digital gap and the people fired after hanging some pictures about his last party in Facebook. It's happening now, and it will be more and more common in the near future. So please, don't type when you're drunk, or don't type in the wrong place.
Articles in Spanish:
Cinco Dias: Cuando la huella digital es el nuevo currículumCadena Ser: Un perfil en una red social puede ser más determinante que el mejor CV ComputerWorld: La “sombra digital” ya supera la “huella digital”, según EMC -------------------------------
Now you move