Mar 15, 2006 22:42
OK, I would just like to say that in normal situations I am totally cool with having red hair now. Given when I was a kid, I had some major problems as it would get me unwanted attention from the "over 65 and wants to rub your head" club, which I can tell you is very annoying after like the thousandth time in a week. I understand its cute and all, but why can't that carry on to my age group? No one thinks its adorable or attractive that I have red hair now. Then again, that might be why I'm more comfortable with it now. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. My problem with my red hair right now is that it kept me from being able to go on an amazing trip that my heritage should have allowed me to go on. The freaking Taiwan propanganda camp known as "Love Boat" is an awesome month long trip full of clubbing and having fun, but I can't even fucking turn in an application because I have flaming fire red hair. Fuck these Chinese bastards that allow Koreans to go but won't let someone who actually has Chinese blood and an true interest in the culture to go. For all those that understand it: 你们去死吧!(Nimen qu si ba).
(Clarification: I went to hand in my application in person and the people there wouldn't believe I was of Chinese heritage so they didn't accept my application. I am not so much pissed off at my hair as I am at them, but it stands that if I had black hair there was a much better chance I could have gone.)
So, due to this, I guess I better figure out what I'm doing the whole month of July. Hmmm... trip to Europe maybe? I'll figure it out. I guess I actually get to semi-chill during my one summer off.
Anyway, maybe I'll put something of more substance in this thing after this week of shit being due and Chinese finals is done.