Another article about the big fight...

Dec 24, 2008 18:39,CST-FTR-zp23.article

LiLo's baggage too heavy
Actress killing her career with lifestyle, studio boss says
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December 23, 2008
BY BILL ZWECKER Sun-Times Columnist
We've heard it before, but now the rumbling is getting louder: Lindsay Lohan's career is seen as close to being over -- unless she ''focuses more on acting than chasing around the country with her girlfriend,'' a major Hollywood studio executive said Monday.
''Not only is Lindsay passing on some pretty decent scripts, she's not even being considered for roles she otherwise would have -- at this stage of her career. There are too many talented, pretty girls out here without any baggage like Lindsay's. She doesn't offer anything hundreds of other girls can't offer -- without any of the bull----.
''First there was all the wild partying, clearly related to her drug problems. Then came rehab. Then came [DJ] Samantha Ronson and the allegations about being a lesbian."
The executive claimed Lohan's tabloid-magnet lifestyle has turned off both fans and those ultimately responsible for casting actors in Hollywood.
Recent Lohan films have been less than stellar, including such bombs as ''I Know Who Killed Me,'' ''Chapter 27'' and ''Georgia Rule.'' The only Lohan movies in the pipeline appear to be ''Labor Pains,'' due out next year, and ''Dare to Love Me,'' slated to begin filming in May.
Lohan's representatives pooh-pooh all this negative talk and say both her career and relationship with Ronson are fine, thank you very much. Yet, there are some indications the ongoing bickering between Lohan and Ronson may be putting added pressure on the women's relationship.
• I've learned that the DJ's weekend hospital stay at Cedars-Sinai -- the medical center of choice for Hollywood stars -- was related to another big fight between the couple. Ronson posted an explanation for the hospitalization on her MySpace blog Monday, writing, ''Thanks for all your messages, I'm home and all good ... just pretty exhausted from traveling and working too much.''
Turns out those nonstop gigs of Ronson's -- including her monthly appearances here at the Hotel Sax's Crimson Lounge -- have not only been increasingly lucrative, but also the source of the latest blowup with Lohan.
Ronson's fee for spinning at parties and clubs has risen meteorically in the past year, since her relationship with Lohan has been revealed to be romantic in nature.
When LiLo jokingly took a recent swipe at Sam's escalating bank account -- due to her relationship with the actress -- Ronson reportedly went ballistic. After the bickering was finished, ''Lindsay thought they had smoothed everything over and were OK ... for the moment,'' said a close friend of Lohan's Monday. ''But apparently it wasn't, and Sam just went back out for a pretty intense week of work ... unable to sleep because she was constantly worrying and thinking about Lindsay. Then she ended up so exhausted and dehydrated, she needed to be hospitalized.''

**** I hope that the girls are going on vacation somewhere very romantic and very remote after New Year's in Miami. I think that they just need a break from all of the crap in LA, NYC, etc.

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