Apr 08, 2009 01:05
There's nothing worse than a bad haircut. Seriously.
... Actually no, bollocks to that. There are plenty of things worse than a bad haircut. Like herpes. But gosh darnit, it's the worst thing to happen to me this week.
... Well, no. My temp job ended. I guess that's worse. Though not really so bad. Cos temping sucessfully means more work.
You know, nothing really sucks anymore. Does that suck? No. Not at all :P
You know, I'm just not that good at complaining anymore. Comes from laying off the Livejournal, I guess. Either my standards got lower, or my life got better; either of which is fine with me. But still, I'm sure a few more posts will see me back on form.
(Do note though, my haircut is COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS)