Jan 10, 2007 14:55
Well, classes have officially started at Stanford, and here I am. I guess the major announcement (though I can't remember whether or not I stated this already on my lj) is that I've changed majors. I am now a History major, with a fairly strong possibility of a political science minor. Here's my course load for the quarter:
History 150B - 19th Century America
CS 103X - Discrete Math (accelerated)
Spanish 15 - Oral Communication
Philosophy 102 - Modern Philosophy
Though I'm still not positive, it's looking more and more likely as if I will go to grad school in history, which is and has always been a real passion. Does this mean I will end up a poor college professor? Quite possibly. But I'm willing to take that chance.
The break was absolutely wonderful. I was so happy that I got to spend so much time with my family, that I got to see Josh at least a few times, and seeing all you guys from TAG '05 was one of the highlights - especially considering that I hadn't seen most since graduation, sadly enough. The very best part of my break, however, was the time I spent with you. You continue to be the rock in my life, and although I am perfectly happy at Stanford, I miss you more and more as time goes on. The greatest decision of my life - albeit a fairly obvious decision - was deciding to try the long distance thing. I'm not sure where I would be without you right now, but I do know for sure that having you in my life is more wonderful of an experience than I could ever hope to put into words. On that note, I'd like to mention some of my favorite memories with you from this break (in no particular order):
- Getting my ass handed to me in Monopoly, because it made you so happy
- Going to our favorite little restaurant
- Chasing you in parking lots
- Creating true perfection out of ostensibly imperfect situations (i.e., on December 23rd, our plans seemed to be ruined as the pizza place was closed, we got turned down by the theater, etc...instead, the day turned into one of my very favorites, with hot chocolate and Christmas lights and I'm pretty sure the first Monopoly game)
- Having you over to our house, and letting you laugh at my family's weirdness
- Going to the mall with you - including the train exhibit, Grapevine, and North Park in general
- Becoming closer than ever, realizing how similar our thoughts are now, and realizing how well I know you at this point. But also, knowing that there is so much more to learn about each other.
Those are only a few things, Adriana, but I hope they meant as much to you as they did to me. This break was truly memorable, and in its own way, perfect. I could not have asked for a more special, intimate time with you, and I look forward to creating more wonderful memories with you this summer.
Always and most sincerely yours,
Tu Miguelito