Recap Time

May 06, 2003 22:30

Saturday was an excellent day. I was soooo happy! I got to game all day on Saturday. The group is still really small. Dan, Mike and I. It was fun since it has been forever since I have gotten to DM a game. It was fun and full of bad jokes and innuendos. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I've been creating new characters, cities, jobs, and quests for the party to be introduced to. At Mike's request I've also been working on a futuristic adaptation for D&D. It'll only involve slug throwers and very limited energy weapons. Armor will be more advanced as well of course. I'm working on a specific campaign setting for the storyline as well. Alright! Yes I'm a gaming geek, get over it!
Sunday was wonderful. I spent almost all day with Jen and it was excellent. Six hours of wonderful wandering around in the woods with one of the world's cutest girls ranks pretty high on my list of wonderful stuff. She tried to throw me into the creek, but failed. Just to spite me though, Jen hit me in the back of my white t-shirt with a muddy shoe. I have a big footprint there now, it's really gooky. Someday, I'm sure I'll recount word for word our conversations that day and everything else that happened, but not right now.
Monday was a fairly dull day really. Nothing happened that was new or exciting. I had Men's Choir after school, went home and did some work on my D&D projects and slept. I went to bed at 8:00pm last night. It was for a good reason too.
Today was a marvelous day. It began at 6am and soon will end. I woke up at 6 and took my shower as per usual. Then I went downstairs and had my traditional breakfast of pre-test oatmeal. This has been a traditional since 1st or 2nd grade for me. Every time I have a big test, SOL's, PSAT's, or final exams I eat oatmeal for breakfast in the morning. I love oatmeal, it makes me all warm and sticky on the inside of my tummy. Yay for oatmeal! Then I put some pencils and pens in my pocket as well as my Lucky Pocket Turtle and went to school. I arrived quite early and socialized with my friends like I do every morning. Then I went to the AP Testing Room to take my AP English Language & Composition Exam. It was boring. Not just slightly boring, it was BORING!!!!! The multiple choice was easy and that increased my cheeriness factor. The essay prompts were the three easiest ones I've had to write all year and this really increased my cheeriness factor. After the exam I was able to leave school thanks to the handy-dandy note my mother wrote for me in exchange that I do some household chores which only took me an hour and a half to do.
I spent the rest of my day very well. I went over to Jen's house with her for about 2 hours or so. She was trying to sort through college stuff, but I kept distracting her, so we went to my house to hang out for a little while. I love silence, noise bothers me a lot sometimes, and there are few things I love more than quiet. This silence is always enhanced by having someone to share it with, very few people when put together are comfortable with silence. Jen and I happen to be quite comfortable with silence. We sat together on my couch for 2 straight hours and said less than 40 words altogether. It was wonderful, no useless chatter or small talk, just being comfortable with each other. It was excellent, I've not had a better day for a long, long time. Words are entirely unnecessary between us, we understand each other better without needing to talk. Ah...The wonder that is intimacy. Jen is the second person I've ever shared such a comfort with, the first being Lauren, my ex-girlfriend and still best friend. She's lives in Florida so I really don't get the wonderful silence from her. After all, silence is very expensive during a long distance phone conversation. After those wonderful hours of quiet sitting I walked Jen home and had to run all the way back to my house to make it home before my mom wanted me too. It took me almost two hours to actually focus on anything, I was so happy that I got dizzy and my head got light. It more than likely has to do with the being crazy for Jen and over-exposure to your crush can do that sometimes. It's definitely worth it though. She went to her practice for the musical and I've been doing chores in preparation for my brother's homecoming on Thursday. I got some more work done on my geeky D&D stuff too. I am having so much fun with this stuff. I gotta go get some rest now, I'll probably have another big day to recap by the end of the week. Peace out everyone!

The Lover of Peace and Quiet,
~El Boyo
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