Recap of the rest of the week

Apr 28, 2003 18:43

Thursday went fairly well I thought. Nicki still wasn't talking to me, but I expected as much. I was a little down because breaking someone's heart generally takes a lot out of you. That's the way things go in my life though. Yay for Jen and her hard work cheering me up. It worked very well, thanks you Jen! Nothin much happened on Thursday besides that though. Friday rocked! After I got home from school and did my chores and stuff I went back to the school for a choir concert. It started with a preview of two songs from our Spring Musical, Footloose. Then the Men's Choir, I'm in that, performed. It was fun, but the best came directly after. Exit 245, JMU's male vocal a cappella group, performed for us. They are phenomenal!!!!!! Oh my god! I want to have their babies! Except not really, I don't have the hips or the right genitalia for childbearing. That's what I want to do in college. I got their CD and now I am the happiest man in existence. That was so wonderful! Saturday was cool too, I suppose. I went to the school at 8:30am to take a practice AP exam for my english class. I think I did really well too. After that, Chris came over to my house. We sat around, ate a lot of food, and goofed off from 2pm until about 3am. Thriteen concentrated hours of gaming and guy talk. It was practically heaven. Yay! Sunday was just as enjoyable, except for the part when I had to mow my lawn. After that I took a nice long nap, seeing as I was sleep-deprived from Chris' sleepover. I'm a loser, I know it, I sleep with a phone right next to the head of my bed so I can wake up for phone calls. Jen called around 4pm and it made me really happy. I walked over to her house and we spent about 3 hours together. I ate dinner over there and lots of fun learning about the massively cultured person that is my new life's interest. I enjoyed it all immensely. But then I had to go home, so I went to bed early after my conversation with Lauren was cut short. Sniffle....But, it means I got extra sleep, so I've been practically off-the-walls today. It's so great!

Today...Nothing big or important happened. More people asking me about how things are, I have no idea, Nicki is not talking to me right now, and I'm not all that sure I mind at the moment. Oh well, c'est al vie.

And now for the two most popular questions asked of David in the last week:
1)You and Nicki broke up?
2)What's going on with you and this Jen girl?

Weird people, they need something better to do. Unlike you people who actually read this journal, you must have something better to do with your time.

Guilt-stricken, sobbing, with my head on the floor(except not),
~El Boyo
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