The Tedium of My Life

Apr 18, 2003 22:38

Today was not interesting in the slightest. I was so bored out of my mind that I got a headache. I was over at my girlfriend's house at 10:30 and she was a little grumpy. I cheered her up, and things were a little better. At noon we went to TGI Fridays for lunch. It was nice and tasty, but still boring. We went back to her house and watched The Ring. A damn good movie. It makes you think and kinda creeps you out, but it was still boring. Then we just hung out for a bit. We were supposed to go to a movie at 7:40, but she decided that we should hang out with her friend who is visiting from college, not like she's not here almost every weekend. Anyways, that was boring and she ditched us anyway. I got to hang out with Chris at the mall though, that was the highlight of my evening. I then went home and left my girlfriend to her own devices with her other buddies. So now is the fun part of my day. Talking to JV and her Canadian friend. Yippee!

~The ever confused, but still loving
El Boyo
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