Jun 04, 2005 02:18
I graduated today and it really was kind of perfect besides John David and my brother and Tatia(it's ok tats) not being able to be there. I was happy that rob and juliana came and that they sat where they sat so when I walked off the stage I got to do my arm motion that resembles "YES!" at them like I always do and they saw it and did it back and me and Todd did a dance from the distance. Walking out of the gym made me realize I won't be seeing a lot of these people ever again because I just assumed I would be seeing them in the next week at some kind of school function. I wasn't sad I don't think just kind of in disbelief. I got to know alot of people right at the end of the year that I hope I see around. Today was great and as much as I really hated school and everything about it I will miss the memories. I hope that people have some kind of memory of me when they leave. I love alot of people and I hope they know it. Congratulations everybody!