Despite all the illness I have had this week, it has been an AMAZING week anyway!
Rainbow Week has been going phenomenally well, we sold all 100 T-shirts in three days and we've already pre-order I would say close to 75 to 100 more. People are going to events, people are taking buttons and wearing the shirts, it's so awesome. Tonight is the keynote, Jason West, and it sounds like there are a lot of people interested in going! Take that SAFB!!
Also, I got some great news last night... turns out I am a finalist for
HRC's Youth College program!! I have to schedule an interview. I can't believe it. This program is beyond anything I can comprehend. I have been a bit reserved because I have not told my parents that I applied for this... but they'll just have to deal. I'll know by June 1st if I got it.