Red (my newest co-worker) worked at the Lobby of Hobbies before lucking out at the music store. She had nothing overwhelmingly positive about the job.
I know once Andy has an idea in his head, it takes more than the word of a good woman to shake it loose. He'd have to learn the hard way, and I think the dreariness of his current job is starting to get to him.
So I managed to drop gentle hints to Andy about broadening his job hunt horizons. Lucky me, I stumbled across an ad for the local photo shop. Digital photo software experience welcome but not necessary, if the new hire is trainable. Andy is both experienced and trainable. (Just ask me, she said with the air of a goddess.)
He's all excited, and I'm glad. Today is the first Sunday he's had to work in years, and even the extra fifty cents an hour he gets today (four bucks, woo) isn't enough incentive for him to stick around. He had to be there at noon, and doesn't expect to be home until nine-ish. So it's just me and Mickie today.
I'm giving my not-quite-bum knee the RICE treatment, so Mickie is in charge of lunch. Thank goodness for the microwavable chicken strips, or I'd be stuck with a cheese sandwich this afternoon. She makes decent cheese sandwiches, but after a run I crave protein, and lots of it. Sometimes the cows in this county aren't safe after I've had a good workout. After that, perhaps a nap. (For me, not her. She can watch the DVD that came with her flute book while I snooze.)
There, your glimpse of my day. Happy Sunday.
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