Hacking and slicing at the To-Do List

Jun 24, 2011 11:34

Yanno that CT scan I had to have earlier this year?

Yeah, the insurance they suggested for it kicked in too late to cover it. Derp. (Not my fault, really - they knew I just had the procedure and suggested it anyway. Plus, the insurance has helped with The Big Poke, so there's a mixed blessing.)

So I finally made it to the hospital financial people this morning, and they're going to help out. It means paperwork is on its way (yay), but it also means I don't have a bill for an ultimately useless test hanging over my head.

There's one thing crossed off my to-do list, and it's a big 'un. Later today, Mickie and I are going to start the process of getting her a passport (her grandparents want to take her to Cozumel this fall - lucky!) and paying off a couple of hot lunches she didn't pay for (long story, and an incomplete one at that). I still have vacation photos to upload and share and a book to finalize editing on and get a copyright started...

And sometime this weekend, I'm going to email somebody at NWOSU and get that particular ball rolling. I may have to do some interesting things there, seeing as the home site (and not the local one) offers an English degree. If there are classes available here, even through ITV, and the rest are online, it's doable. I don't relish the thought of driving to Alva on a regular basis. Or at all. No offense to the town - I'm just not familiar with it.

Oh, and, tonight we're having a picnic and watching Shakespeare in the Park. The Scottish Play, with a few modern twists because no one can speak in a brogue correctly in this town because that's how the local theater crowd rolls.

Now, food.

finances, to-do, shakespeare, college, mickie

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