You know when I said "50,000 words or bust"? I'm realizing "or bust" is an option...

Nov 17, 2010 10:56

Woke up this morning with a big pimple on my cheek. And since I usually don't break out until Shark Week...

This explains the apathy and sleepiness and grumpy moods. It almost, but not quite, also explains the fact that I've fallen behind on NaNo.

So today, I force a quadruple expresso on my Muse. The real kind, not that slop you get out of a machine at the gas station. Once she's perky enough, she's gonna be shoved in a warm shower, dressed in a pair of fresh skivvies and a funky tutu, and her imaginary butt is going to be gracing the insides of my skull with Magic Fairy Writing Sprinkles today or else she's getting evicted from the futon. Dammit.

Lots of big harsh ballsy words, considering the challenges I've put forth on myself. I almost have the interview formatting issue resolved - almost. I have yet another rewrite planned (I know, it's not NaNoEdMo, but this rewrite could double the word count of this particular scene), and I think I want to toy with the chapters a bit. The particular one I'm stuck on is running kind of long, and I can do more interviews (I've been putting them at the beginning of each chapter), which will add to my word count AND flesh out some of the characters a bit more.

I have a plan. Could be called cunning under the right light. Just have to get my Muse off her ass and back on the job. (Would help if Aunt Flo hadn't parked her moving van full of crap in front of my Imagination Center. And if my Inner Lesbian would cut off my Muse from her precious microbrews.) I think if I churned out, say, 5000 words tonight and tomorrow (did I hear a whimper?) and catch up on Friday, I'll be in good shape. And then I'll quit taking weekends off, get ahead again, and win this thing.

Yeah, my mind, I think I've lost her.

pms, aunt flo, voices in my head, nanowrimo, inner lesbian

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