Oh, for pity's sake, y'all...

Jun 09, 2010 09:39

Woke up to a thunderstorm. I was planning a run this morning, fueled by my new weigh-in (I'll filter the actual numbers). I can wait until after work, I suppose...

Still. I feel this morning has been wasted. Unless I get some laundry done...

Andy just now left for the Urgent Care Clinic, after poking around and trying to shop around and contemplating the local Pill-Pusher. (Seriously, Dr. Feelgood would have given him antibiotics and decongestants, but also samples for antidepressants and probably something for erectile dysfunction. There's a reason he's Enid's Favorite Doctor!)

He finally took my advice of "Honey, just go!" after a few phone calls revealed a relatively short wait at The Clinic (45 minutes is short. Sad) and no answer at Dr. Feelgood's walk-in clinic. That, and he's been to The Clinic before, so we wouldn't have to pay for new patient filing.

Seriously, he's such a stereotypical man when it comes to this kind of thing... *dons flameproof underwear, just in case Something Gets Started*

Mickie and I had a Girls' Night Out last night. Supper at America's Drive-In, live music at the pool hall, then back to the drive-in for dollar sundaes.

We need to do that more often, and perhaps make a habit out of it. Too soon she'll be a teenager, and less likely to want to be seen in public with me...

Or maybe not; several people have observed that she seems to be cooler than most kids, and that the teen years might not be fueled by hate and hormones. Or at least less than usual. *crosses fingers for next three years*

Well alright. If I'm not running this morning, I'd better get my butt in the shower. (The above-mentioned pool hall gets quite smoky.) Then laundry. Then hopefully Andy will be back, and I won't have to drag Mickie out of bed to take her to work for a bit...

weather, music, running, andy, mickie

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