Aug 09, 2009 06:01
What I Got Accomplished Today:
- Dyed my hair. I'm a redhead now. Ish. If I get around to uploading pictures, I'll let y'all see.
- Cleaned the kitchen, resumed laundry
- Took a nap with Amanda and JJ.
- Watched a lot of Mel Brooks movies. I may watch Clue later this evening (keeping with the Madeline Kahn theme), perhaps with Mickie (there's not a lot of nasty language/doings going on, and the majority of the jokes will go over her head, but I think she'll enjoy the three endings)...
- Tended my farms on Facebook (Farm Town and Farmville).
- Watched a friend of mine do an awesome party trick that I kind of envy her for.
Andy and Mickie are at the game hall. The owners/proprietors have a little girl that Mickie can pal around with while Andy gets his geek on.
Now I'm hungry. I need to switch out loads of laundry anyway, so I guess I can get up...
amanda and jj