Home stretch of semester one

Dec 07, 2008 22:47

Tomorrow's checklist:

- Paper turned in (after getting set up at turnitin.com) from the computer lab.

- Test checked over and turned in before 11.

- If the lines aren't ri-damned-diculous, sell back books.

- If funds allow (see: could sell books), get a bottle of wine to celebrate. Take it easy, though - it's only Monday. Celebrate all week!

- Pay rent.

- Purchase a nice-but-inexpensive DVD player for Mom, look into DVDs for her to watch on it (George Strait in concert, Pure Country, Jon and Kate Plus 8 episodes, crap like that...)

- Get Grandma and Grandpa's gift certificate to the buffet in town. Also, work in making them meatloaf sometime next weekend. (Mom cooked for them this weekend - pot roast today, leftovers from that until maybe Tuesday, a lasagna in their freezer for later this week. She's trying to start something up, and I'm going to help.)

- Make a post about the bowl games coming up.

Holy carp, it's almost 11 PM already? *goes to hit the sack*


food, grandma, to-do, paper from hell, school, mom, finances, christmas, grandpa, money, tests

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