- Catch up on some much needed sleep (JJ insisted on waking me up this morning, but it was around seven instead of four-thirty)
- Laundry (Yah bitch yah!)
- Thoroughly clean the kitchen
- Clean out closets/drawers, organize clothes, take a trip to the Salvation Army with the leftovers (I've done a little bit in my closet and PJ drawer...)
- Clean off the love seat
- Catch up and/or get ahead on my classes, including my online class
- Arrange my class notes, which have gotten out of hand and are threatening to become The Thing That Ate Elbie
- Study for my impending accounting test
- Pay bills (Will do when I get off here)
- Go to Mom's, make chili, watch football (One out of three - I watched football)
- Teach Mickie how to play the saxophone (She's got a new computer game. Bah.)
- Watch RHPS with Andy, possibly get 'friendly' afterwards (May watch something else...)
- Write for the first time in quite a while (If I get comfortable with my studying, I will afterwards...)
- Take a hot bath, complete with candles, wine, and music (Tonight, dammit.)
- Go window shopping for Nintendo Wiis (Tomorrow, when Andy's off)
- Look up some old friends, email them and see what they're up to, maybe patch up some old bridges (Maybe next weekend.)
- Somehow talk Mom into having Mickie stay overnight on Saturday and go to the drag show (Naaah. Too tired. I can be goofy at home.)
- Color hair (Trying to juggle it with the bath. It's a messy job, and I have to apply it in the tub)
- Sleep. (Stil need more)
- Hang out on the computer.
- Eat. (Breakfast for dinner tonight, yum!)
- Watch some bad TV. (The best bad-made-for-TV-movies come on early Sunday afternoons. Strangely enough, the Sci-Fi Channel is usually good for something I can add a MST3K flavor to.)
I realized I have 20 extra credit points, not 15. Gives me a little leeway. But still, if I ace the test before the extra credit, I'll be sitting pretty.
It's on inventory and current assets. If I work on some of the practice questions in the book, I'll get it better. But right now, I feel the need to do something else, because I know if I try to do it now I'll be flibberdegibbetty. I've looked through my notes and reviewed the (corrected) quizzes, so I've started...
Think I'll go do my hair.