In which Elbie is a cranky-puss and needs forty-eight continuous hours of leisure...

Sep 26, 2008 10:35

...before I bite somebody's head off. *points to icon* I'm a tiger.

This may be the week for college football to be all topsy-turvy.

So I will not comment on the standing of Oklahoma University until after their game with TCU.

*calls voodoo queen to ward off jinxes*


I still have to get through work (at least through bus run), do the online test (I have until 6 AM tomorrow, but my brain closes shop early), take Mickie to the high school for Mini Flag dress rehearsal and performance (pictures pending, and perhaps a video if I can swing it), and sometime today I'd like to load the dishwasher. (Again, teased about technique, yet nobody else jumps in and does it, so they should shut up their ptomein jokes and either deal with less-than-clean dishes or do it their damn selves. And by they, I mean the only other person I live with capable of loading a dishwasher.)

Mr. G rocks. I'm done with my Excel lab. (I hate Excel, because it's mean to me.)

I really need to go grab a DP so I can make it through the rest of the day (or at least until after work) and make sure Amanda hasn't thrown up again. (Two in the morning: "squeaksqueaksqueaksqueaksqueak hork blurp!")

Hope everybody's doing okay...

friday, amanda, weekend, school, homework, work, mickie

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