so theres this funny thing

Sep 04, 2007 20:03

woow, forever and two days, has been so long since ive been on the internet, but honestly i didnt miss it. for the past month its been nice, not going to facebook and myspace and livejournal every day or week. i liked itand therefor i became more independent and conversated on the phone more. well caroline and i are sorta tight now, i dont know how the hell but we are. i went to a party sat. night and litearlly 4 minuties after we left it got busted. im so blessed. 
i love marjauhnanahahhahahh pot.
i love the way it makes me feel.
and i hate that it has to be so complicated to get. but my stash has lasted me awhile. im lucky my mom isnt so strict about things like this. because im retarded and im postive she knows that , the smoke coming from my room isnt incense.
so these bitches (ross and krista) are planning on sabatoshing my lip sync skit. but oddly i dont care. like really i could care less if they ruin it for me. isnt that wierd
i will never like ross, he is such a btich, i dont know why i ever tried to give him a second chance.
But clint is a nice guy, but even afterknowing him for a year, i feel like i should hold my breath and not say that because i dont want to ginx it. 
im so parnoid that everything around me with that group is a conspiracy , like i feel like everything is a joke and those friendships that i have made are all part of the plan that they have created to destroy me, and they will jump out when least expected, and upset me so badly that i will be crushed for eternity of trust.
yes i know you dont understand
im so freaking excited for you christina maycann, my love.
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