
May 08, 2009 20:25

Shape Poetry

A. Richardson

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Memories unravel       the pieces of my heart
Fragments of my life become frail vessels in your hand.
I understand nothing of what is about to abrupt all my emotions;
Feelings that cascade anxiety, insecurity, perplexity, and abnormality
Seem all but a false reality that portrays falsely in advertisement of the now.
You know nothing of the power your words create, splintering my all -
Badgering my everything - haunting the notion of future lovers to be.
Goodbye, a crack down the middle, loosening the hold I seem
To not have on myself, my anatomy begins to detach away
Pieces slipping as do you in the distance, away
From the pile of melancholy I pull
Apart, like yarn and thread open
Pulled in no solace
I fall a

- Amanda, just writing t out
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