I started break by posting by the rain and I kind of felt obligated to post again seeing as how it's raining and I start school soon.
On Sunday, I took Amy and Lillian out and we drank boba for a bit, showing Lil what MPK really is like. Afterwards, I discovered that Amy left in the car a poignant letter which I thought was nice of her. We went to the library and I saw a lot of people there. Sorry John, but your sister is cute. What do you say, brother-in-law? Anyway, on Monday, I went snowboarding with Carolyn, Tom, Michelle, Jenny, Chanda, and three guests. It was loads of fun. After newbishly going on the second hardest slope, we settled for the bunny slope and rode it all afternoon. I got a lot of cuts and bruises, but I just consider them battle scars. The trip was bloody expensive so I don't know if I'll do it again. Tuesday, I knocked out the whole day so sorry Wendy. When I came to, I read Goblet of Fire until 2 am in an attempt to tie up loose ends. Damn good book if I must say. Wednesday, my family attempted to bond by eating dim sum against my dad's wishes even though he agreed...and then I drove to Kevin's house to drop off his book, Naruto, and sign a letter I wrote for him for CIT. Took him to the post office and then hung around at his grandma's for a while to talk and drink soda (of course) until he had to leave for John's party. I reckon that he's growing up in a good way ::grin::...er, enough of that...can't show weakness. Had crab for dinner (my dad's fascination). Went to Rob's party to countdown and basically gambled (got forty cents in blackjack and watched Joe and Earl lose it all in hold'em), gamed (will Smash Bro ever die? nope..and wilbo schooled me), and ate (pot stickers, macaroni, and other good stuff) until I was tired. Laura gave me my first kiss (on the cheek) and then when I said that aloud, she gave me another one >=). I didn't stay too long after midnight because I forgot the keys and I didn't want anyone to stay up for me.
Thursday, I saw my sister off. We took a family pic because we haven't had one in two years. As long as we don't become those families with those goddamn professionally done family portraits in formal wear, I'm good. The last time I was inside LAX was to go to Davis two years ago. There were a lot more security measures. Useless, but in place. Hahah, the whole time I kept picturing how to break into LAX a la Italian Job/Ocean's 11 style.
So that brings us to today. Taught my cousin how to play GunBound and basically relaxed. I didn't go ice skating because all I want to do these next two days is spend them quietly at home and rest. Tomorrow, the only thing I plan to do is go to Sierra Vista park and just ... sit there in the shade of a tree (cause Bitely is off limits, damn the patrols) and ponder stuff. That's it I guess...the summation of my whole break in three posts. Sometimes I wonder if I'm getting too old for this or if I should just write about frivolous stuff that drips with sarcasm, anger, or randomness because that's what makes blogs supposedly "cool." Nah, that's just not me. I write because one day, I'll be able to look back and chuckle at the stuff I've done...not at how smartass I tried to be, but how I tried to capture the experiences I've had. Anywho, happy new year folks. Peace.
all or nothing
classic jenny