Nevermind. Relient K's Christian rock like Switchfoot. Back to emo, ska, and punk for me. I had a band dream last night. Damn nightmares actually. I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm going back to Keppel this Friday. Going back always weirds me out (i.e. HC) but anything to see both Kevins, John, and Linda (and June) perform at their last winter concert, right? Plus, I'm subsidizing Kevin's band trip. Quit your smirking =/.
Anywho, Paul was their director in the dream. I've been talking to Paul lately and the UCLA band and so I figured that's how he got into the dream. Then I had Sam telling me his memories of band probably because I looked up to him. They were at some parade and around the end, all of them started playing cards in a big huddle. What kind of cards or what kind of game, I'm not sure. Tim tells me it's a sign that I shouldn't go back. Heck, even Sandy said she won't be able to make it. Dione doesn't have Pim as an excuse to come back either. Nick...uh... and the rest quit band junior year. Thanks a lot Henry, Steven, Kat, Bernice, Alan, Otto, Dan. Haha, we'll see. I gave Kat a call the other day =D.
Two entries in two days. Go figure. <--Wilbo and I both agree...the worst commercials EVAR, but thank god for Nintendo. Where would we be without it? Brainless, that's what.