(Baekyeol) Bored

Jun 14, 2012 22:44

Title: Bored
Rating: pg
Word count: 408
Summary: Chanyeol is bored.

“Park Chanyeol, stop touching me,” Baekhyun says irritably, swatting at the younger boy’s hand. Chanyeol pouts, reaching out again to poke the older boy only to have his hand slapped. Again. “I’m serious, if you don’t stop touching me, I’m going to cut off your fingers with my nails.”

“That’s not possible,” Chanyeol says, tickling Baekhyun’s weak-spot on the back of his neck.

“You wanna find out out??” Baekhyun exclaims shrilly, jumping up to avoid Chanyeol’s touch. “Oh my god, Chanyeol, for the sake of everything that you hold dear to you, stop!”

“But Baekhyunnie, I’m boooooored,” Chanyeol whines, flailing his arms around. “I’m so, so, sosososososososooooooo bored.” Baekhyun rolls his eyes.

“And what am I supposed to do about that?” he asks, holding his arms protectively over his stomach when Chanyeol pretends to get up to poke him again.

“Entertain me?” Chanyeol suggests, giggling when Baekhyun whimpers.

“This isn’t fair!” the older boy groans. “Why can’t you go bother Joonmyun? Or Jongin? Or, Christ, even Kyungsoo!”

“Because none of them is my boyfriend,” Chanyeol says, suddenly lunging out and wrapping his arms around Baekhyun’s waist and causing the two of them to fall ungracefully onto the couch Baekhyun had just been sitting on. Baekhyun squeaks loudly as Chanyeol’s weight pushes him into the couch.

“Stop! Chanyeol, please, I can’t breathe!” he begs, blush spreading across his face like a wildfire in a dry forest. “Chanyeol!!” he squeaks again, even louder, as Chanyeol digs his hips into Baekhyun’s abdomen.

“Come on Baekhyunnie, entertain me,” Chanyeol whispers huskily, nuzzling his face into the crook of Baekhyun’s neck and breathing a little too heavily.

“Park Chanyeol, I seriously can’t breathe and if you don’t get off of me, you won’t have a boyfriend anymore!” Baekhyun wails, squirming uncomfortably as Chanyeol licks his neck. “Oh my god, Chanyeol, please!”

“No,” Chanyeol says, frowning as he lifts himself above Baekhyun, looking down at him with a hard stare. Baekhyun is taken aback by his sudden serious tone, but a sly smile is quickly tugging at Chanyeol’s lips. “You have to entertain me,” he says, leaning forward to capture Baekhyun’s mouth.

“Chanyeol, I-” Baekhyun tries to articulate, but Chanyeol kisses him too deeply to allow for speaking, so he sort of just grunts and blushes more brightly as his boyfriend’s hands find their way under his shirt.

Well, if this will make Chanyeol stop annoying him, then he guesses he can handle it.

exo, fluff, pairing: baekyeol

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