(HunHan) I Do

May 07, 2012 17:37

Title: I Do
Rating: Pg
Word count: 1673
Summary: in which a promise is exchanged.

It was late evening. The sun was beginning to sink lower in the sky, dying it a multitude of reds and oranges and pinks. A lone van drove down an uninhabited stretch of road. On its left there was a vast lake, murkily reflecting the vibrant colors of the sky on its undisturbed surface, and to the right lay a deserted field, dry and brown from a long time’s exposure to the sun’s incessant heat.

None of these sights were of any interest, though, to the boy seated in the passenger seat of the van. The van’s driver had made comment of the lovely evening vision, but the boy had simply grunted in response.

His attention was focused on the small ring adorning his left ring finger; he hadn’t taken his eyes off it since their ride had first begun. It was nothing flashy - these sorts of things never were - but he had yet to look away from it.

“Sehun, is everything OK?” the van’s driver asked. Finally, the boy tore his gaze from the small piece of jewelry to look at his partner. In appearance, it would have been easy to assume the boy to be the older of the two, but that wasn’t the case, and Sehun wasn’t sure if he’d ever get used to his partner’s angelic presence.

He opened his mouth to respond only to close it a few seconds later, nodding his head to answer the question. His partner noticed his lack of words, and, eyes still turned toward the road, he freed one hand from the steering wheel and offered it to Sehun, who took it gratefully, lacing their fingers together.

“Are you nervous?” his partner asked softly. Sehun nodded again, earning a gentle smile from his partner. “It’ll be alright. Once it’s done, everything will fall into place, and there will be nothing to worry about.”

Once it’s done.

Those words replayed themselves in Sehun’s head. When would it be done? How long would it last? What would happen during? He had at least one million questions swimming around in his head, drowning his thoughts.

The one question that did make it out, though, was, “Luhan, where’s your ring?” His partner gave him a surprised look.

“Why? You don’t think I lost it, do you?” Luhan laughed, eyes crinkling tenderly as he smiled widely. Sehun shook his head now, a shade of red, reminiscent of the ones coloring the sky, painting his cheeks. “Don’t worry so much. I took it off a bit earlier because I was afraid it would get sweaty while I was driving. It’s in my pocket.” To prove himself, the older man retracted his hand from Sehun’s lingering grasp and pulled out the small, metal hoop from his jeans pocket.

“I didn’t,” Sehun mumbled, “think you lost it.” Luhan smiled, sending him a brief look of amusement before replacing the ring inside his pocket and giving his hand back to the eager boy.

“Well, now you know for sure,” Luhan said, a hint of playfulness in his voice. Sehun squeezed his hand, but he didn’t have to look to know that the boy was pouting.

The two fell into a comfortable silence. Luhan hummed softly as Sehun used his free hand to draw haphazard shapes along Luhan’s arm, still clutching rather fervently to the older man’s own hand.

The sun sank even lower, the sky’s warm colors mixing together to create deep reds and purples. Luhan made a quiet comment about how it looked almost like a bruised apple, one that had been dropped a bit too heavily onto the ground, and Sehun snorted. The dry field had also given way to a few rural houses whose occupants could not be seen, and Luhan joked that it was a ghost town, though Sehun wouldn’t have been surprised if this had actually been the case.

As the sun continued to set, Sehun found himself looking once again at the small treasure that tightly hugged his ring finger. Yes, it wasn’t flashy, and yes, it suited its purpose. When Luhan had given it to him, the words accompanying it had set off a flurry of merciless butterflies in the pit of his stomach, and simply examining it now brought back a feeling of similar magnitude.

Questions resurfaced in his mind, prompting him to break the ongoing silence. “What happens afterward?”

“What do you mean?” the older man asked hesitantly, glancing over at Sehun with confusion etched into his perfect features.

“What will we do... once it’s over?” Sehun rephrased, swallowing and avoiding Luhan’s gaze.

“I’m not sure, to be honest,” his partner said after a moment’s pause. “I hadn’t really thought about it.” He stared ahead at the road, little bits of scenery catching his eye as he waited. “I guess we could move into a house together, if your parents would let you.”

“I’m an adult,” Sehun huffed shortly, lips pursed in a pout. “I can make those kinds of decisions myself.”

“I know,” Luhan laughed. “But I don’t want them to think I’m kidnapping you or anything.”

“... Even if you were kidnapping me, I wouldn’t mind,” Sehun muttered, blushing as Luhan cocked an eyebrow at him.

“But I would mind,” the older man said, smiling teasingly. “What if they filed a missing person’s report and then the police came looking for you, found you living with me, and registered me as a kidnapper and sex-offender?” Sehun gave him an alarmed look and opened his mouth to protest. “I’m just joking, don’t worry,” the older man laughed again.

“I’m being serious, though,” Sehun frowned, letting go of Luhan’s hand to fold his arms.

“I know,” Luhan said, offering an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry.” Sehun continued to frown at him, causing more laughter to bubble over his annoyingly perfect lips. “Really, if you want to move in together, I’m completely fine with that idea.”

Sehun sighed, giving his partner one last annoyed look before entwining their fingers once more. There persisted another moment of silence before he started talking again.

“I wonder what my friends would say if they knew,” he murmured, looking out of the window at the darkening sky.

“You didn’t tell anyone?” Luhan asked softly, shooting another glance at Sehun to gauge his expression.

“No. Well, I didn’t think...” The younger boy took a deep breath, looking down at his lap. “I didn’t think they would understand? Like, they would think it was a joke or something.”

“They’re your friends,” Luhan said gently.

“Yeah, but they have no idea what love is,” Sehun retorted, a hint of bitterness in his tone. “The only thing they care about is the number of girls they can fuck in a week.” Luhan frowned slightly, though he had returned his eyes to the road. When the older man made no move to speak, Sehun sighed once again, closing his eyes.

“I just... I don’t know. I know they’ll ask why I was gone, and I’ll tell them when that time comes, but for now...” He opened his eyes and looked straight at Luhan. “For now I just want to enjoy this as our secret.” A smile tugged at the corners of the older man’s mouth.

“I get it,” Luhan said, nodding, “But you at least told your parents, didn’t you?” Sehun’s eyes widened a little at the unexpected question. “Or don’t tell me they were included in the ‘didn’t tell anyone’ category?” When the younger boy’s expression became like that of a fish out of water, his partner laughed, “All right, all right, you’re an adult, I’ll let you do things your own way.”

After that, the couple was lost to silence again. The rainbow of reds and purples in the sky had been replaced by dark blues, and a faint haze of clouds dotted across the horizon to block the light of stars as they awoke from their slumber to shine brightly upon the darkened world.

Sehun found his eyes drooping, his grasp on Luhan’s fingers slowly slipping as sleep beckoned enthusiastically to his consciousness. He blinked a few times, breathing deeply and sitting up straighter to try and keep himself awake, but sleep would not leave him alone.

“You can get some rest,” Luhan told him, noticing his valiant efforts to keep his eyes open. “We won’t be there for a while longer. I can just wake you up once we get there.” Sehun gave him a sleepy nod and proceeded to pull his knees up to his chest, curling up with the older man as his support. Luhan chuckled to himself, although he was slightly pleased to be able to use both hands for driving now.

Sehun sat with his eyes closed for a long while, falling in and out of a light slumber. His mind still raced with thoughts of the upcoming events; from the crisp, white tuxedos packed in the back of the van to the plane tickets destined for China hidden in an envelope in Luhan’s bag. The younger boy wondered what a honeymoon entailed, exactly.

And again, he thought of that simple ring on his left ring finger. The promise from one lover to another to share their lives forever. An unspoken word that they would always be together, through thick and thin, helping each other, loving each other. A feeling so pure and tender that even love itself would be envious.

That one small ring, guaranteeing the happiness of two people.

In Sehun’s opinion, there was nothing in the world more beautiful.

Through the darkness, he thought he heard a soft voice whisper his name. “I love you, Sehun” Luhan said, certain the younger boy was asleep.

The proper way to respond would have undoubtedly been, “I love you, too,” but Sehun’s mind was still elsewhere, in dreams of a bright red sky and a dry field and two figures standing side by side in white tuxedos, holding each other’s hands and smiling at each other.

“I do,” he whispered in reply. “I do.”

pairing: hunhan, exo, fluff

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