Well, it'll probably be more like a minute of fame, but I'm going to be on the radio this Tuesday! Specifically on WNYC (93.9 for the local folks) sometime between 1:20 and 2:00--I submitted a cookie recipe to the Leonard Lopate show for their Christmas cookie recipe swap (brilliant suggestion by
pyota ) and I was picked along with 9 others to talk to Leonard and Ruth Reichl (former NYT restaurant reviewer and current editor of Gourmet) about my cookies!
I am very excited and hope I don't sound like a complete tool on the radio. They did say there was a possibility that we might not all have time to make it on, but it's nice even to be asked! Heehee!
(If you want to hear me make a fool of myself, you can listen to the stream of the Leonard Lopate show at wnyc.org (listen live buttons on the left)--his shows are always great, so listen anyway!)