Recent Fics

Oct 18, 2020 17:03

I have fallen behind on cross-posting links to my recent fics here. There seem to have been four, which is...I guess a combination that they're all shortish or I really fell behind. And one's essentially a repost. Catching up:

Title: Late Afternoon in the Neighborhood
Rating: Gen
Pairings: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Category/tags: established relationship, alternate universe, don't copy to another site
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan, Ronon Dex, male child OC
Archive: Archive of Our Own.
Summary: Colonel Sheppard learns once again that life can be surprising, and how his might have gone differently.
Notes: I fluffed past the science/logic of how the team gets where they get and how they get back. We're in a pandemic, I'm stressed, and dealing with that aspect just wasn't what I wanted to write about. If that's likely to bother you, please don't read. Or read but don't complain at me. Socially distanced air kisses to Seaward for the betaing and helpfulness.
Feedback: Is always adored.

Read on Archive of Our Own.

Title: Another Scene From A Vacation
Rating: Teen Audiences
Fandom: Lucifer (TV series), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Characters: John Francis Quinn, aka "The Mighty Quinn," Benjamin Lawson, Lucifer Morningstar, Mazikeen
Category/tags: established relationship, crossover, AU, don't copy to another site
Archive: Archive of Our Own.
Summary: Lucifer loves to encourage people to tell him their deepest desires. Another ficlet set in 2016, following Scene from a Vacation, after Lucifer has left Hell and become owner of Lux, but before the TV series begins.
Notes: A sequel to The Mighty Quinn and Lesson In Sin City, and set before Letting It Out.
The fic is not sexually explicit, but I put on a high rating for sexual references.
This fic is short and quickly written, because I was very happy on Saturday, in a way I haven't been happy since March, and I needed to do something to celebrate. Crossing my newest love and one of my oldest seemed a good way to go.
I wrote Scene from a Vacation while in the midst of watching Lucifer for the first time and was only on the second season. I re-read it now and see things that I should tweak to be more canon. I may do that at some future time.
Feedback: Is always adored.

Read on Archive of Our Own.

Title: Little Miracles: The Birdman of Atlantis
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Radek Zelenka, Carson Beckett, Elizabeth Weir, Ronon Dex, child OCs
Archive: Archive of Our Own.
Category: Established relationship, wingfic, kidfic, kinda crackish, don't copy to another site
Feedback: Always adored.
Summary: John needs to learn to stop testing Ancient devices for Rodney.
Warning: Wings. Kids. Just enough plot to justify a fair dose of winged sex.
Notes: I posted this fic in my LiveJournal back in 2007, before Dreamwidth existed, fully intending to post it to Wraithbait and Area 52 after more polishing and working on its sequels. It is 13 years later, Wraithbait and Area 52 no longer exist, and writing more in this subset of this universe is still an intention of mine. I think. Probably. But in the meantime, we're in a pandemic, I'm struggling to stay sane, I'm obsessed with the use of wings in Lucifer, and I thought what the heck, I might as well post to AO3 for whatever amusement it gives McSheppers now. I figure we can all use whatever entertainment we can get, right? I re-read for typos and Seaward very nicely checked it over, but I didn't let myself start polishing anything else. I definitely could have! I still may. I completely reserve the right to rewrite this fic.

Read on Archive of Our Own.

Title: Free Will
By: Random Dreams
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Lucifer Morningstar/Chloe Decker
Fandom: Lucifer (TV series)
Category/tags: first time, non-con/dub-con, aphrodisiac, PWP, don't copy to another site
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar, Chloe Decker, OC
Archive: Archive of Our Own.
Summary: When Lucifer is left out of a police operation, Chloe needs him even more than usual.
Notes: I only started watching Lucifer 2 ½ months ago, and mostly limited myself to an episode a day. It is my new fannish obsession! It's exciting to have caught up to where I'm waiting with everyone else for the second half of Season 5. This fic is set sometime before the end of season 3, though I didn't try to nail it down more specifically. Socially distanced air kisses to Seaward for the betaing and helpfulness.
End note: I have a vague thought this could lead into a plotty fic where someone intentionally dosed Chloe and who and why? But it's only a vague thought and not enough to start writing, (especially since I'm suddenly obsessed with writing a completely different Lucifer fic!), so I kept this as a stand-alone PWP. If this fic is suddenly transformed into a much longer one, you know why!
Feedback and kudos are always adored.

Read on Archive of Our Own. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.

fic, tpm fic, miracles fic

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