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Jul 23, 2020 21:04

A friend was recently saying people aren't really fannish on DW any more. It's late but too early for bed and I'm too tired to be functional, so I will ramble a bit on the two shows that I'm watching, one episode each day.

This is binging for me, one episode each day. I just don't do multiple episodes in one go.

First season of Umbrella Academy, I'm watching with a friend who has already seen it, though says she doesn't remember all the ins and outs. We're using Netflix Party, and it's nice, to have a chat box running with a friend in another city. I'm finding it a very interesting show, with intriguing characters, but it's what we would have called a mini-series when I was growing up, a series of a limited number of episodes with one overall plot. So how much I like it is going to depend somewhat on whether the ending satisfies me. I don't expect I shall become truly fannish about it, as the bulk of the characters are seven people born on the same day and raised as siblings, and I don't tend to incest, even adopted. But still... very interesting so far, and I really like #5 and Klaus in particular.

I'm on the second episode of the second season of Lucifer, and already somewhat fannish, as I have written and posted a crossover with SGA. I really like the character of Lucifer. It's on Netflix but episodic American TV, Lucifer helps a female detective solve a new crime each week with some interlinking plot points of Lucifer's character development, the detective's family drama, etc. I don't know if I shall get more fannish about it, as it doesn't immediately grab me as slashy. (Though I am a bit intrigued by Lucifer with his brother angel Amenadiel, and is it really incest with celestial beings?) Mostly I love episodic American TV and Lucifer is hot and funny and sings, these are weaknesses of mine.

It's good to have new distractions these days. And I've made it almost to 9:30, I think that's late enough. To bed I go! This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/261767.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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