Bunny thoughts

Jan 30, 2020 08:12

I was driving to work yesterday and the DJs were talking about a reality show where a guy and a gal got surprised by the appearance of his ex, and the guy was really upset and talking out about it. I think The Bachelor. Mostly I was surprised, because I’ve only watched a few reality shows, but isn’t that part of the normal practice, springing surprises on the contestants?

So the DJs started talking about running into exes, and the female had an experience where her car got stuck in snow, she couldn’t get cell reception, and the fellow who stopped to help was an ex. He couldn’t get her car out, but he got her help, and stayed until she was back on the road, so it had been a very good experience.

I started thinking about that, and how I don’t think I’ve ever written exes getting back together. And that would be interesting, this relationship that had fallen apart and then something unexpectedly brings you back together, and maybe there’s some lingering unhappiness, but it’s also been a while, to remember the good times.

So I was thinking again this morning on my commute, well, I mostly write slash, so a guy is stuck in the snow, and mostly he’s irritated, but he’s not really scared, because he’s not a woman, so he’s less conscious of the possibility that the next person to drive by might snatch him up and take him away to an isolated cabin.

But then I thought, well, what if it is a woman, and it’s Rey, and she’s not really scared because she’s had a horrible childhood, she’s long past being afraid, but she is unnerved because she grew up in the desert. Snow is amazing, snow is magical, but she knows nothing about dealing with it, and isn’t used to being cold, and didn’t bring a thick enough coat. Of course, the next person to stop by would be Kylo, who would indeed snatch her up and bundle her away to his lair. Heh.

Okay, but back to a guy, and I was picturing Rodney, who grew up in Canada, and of course, Canada is all cold, all the time, we Americans know this, so he’s well accustomed to cold, or at least he was. He’s been a bit spoiled by living in well-heated Atlantis. Okay, but that makes John not having gone to Atlantis....hmmm....

I’ve read a couple of fics where John and Rodney has a hookup, either as teens or when John’s early in his military career, and then they meet again when going to Atlantis, but never exes who have had a full relationship before breaking up. It’s an interesting thought. At least, it’s more entertaining on my commute than picturing my work day!

This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/239950.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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