(no subject)

Jan 18, 2020 10:18

So it's a main thing this weekend to finish this fic that I mostly wrote last week, only around 4600 words of a pairing I haven't written before and have never actually read. And don't even like one of the main characters very much, though I'm working into it. But it wanted to be written and I will send to beta before this holiday weekend is done. And I think it's good.

So in the middle of the night and this morning before breakfast and then after breakfast I wrote 1800 words for another pairing I haven't written before but have at least read and like both of the main characters. So I want to write on that. And I really, really like this one and exploring the secondary characters as much as the pairing.

And a friend sent me a 177 page/80k fic to read. How does she do that? I've never written anything that long and don't know that I ever will but she does it consistently. So I need to start on that.

And signed up for Fandom Trumps Hate, yay, done! At least that can now be crossed off the list and nothing else needs to be worked on until the auction is over.

But I'm sitting on the edge of my computer chair because the cat won't get off it, and it's a gorgeous day, so I think some gardening first.

This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/239233.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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