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Nov 13, 2021 17:29

I was very sorry to read the news of Dean Stockwell’s death earlier this week. I loved Quantum Leap and watched Dean in several of his other performances, where he was always excellent.

QL was one of my pre-internet fandoms. I read zines and novelizations, attended Dean’s Hollywood Walk of Fame induction, and the two official QL conventions. I won a trip to Universal Studios in Florida at the first con, and then my sister and I extended that trip to also go to DisneyWorld. I tried to write a story where Sam leaped into Jean-Luc Picard; that was one of my first attempts at fanfic.

I was a gen person then, though I knew about slash and could see the appeal of Sam/Dean. The mutual trust, respect, and love between the two main characters was what made QL such a special show.

I rewatched the pilot and the first few episodes this week. It’s still wonderful, and both actors are amazing.

Thank you Dean, for Al. You will be missed. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/324279.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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