(no subject)

Sep 24, 2021 09:22

I perhaps have a new cat. There was a frantic meowing on my back patio yesterday, by a cat I thought was my orange tabby. Then looked back and realized my orange tabby was standing in the doorway, staring at the interloper. So I invited clearly hungry kitty in, and ended up giving him a can and a half for lunch. He hung around for a while, had dinner, then disappeared. When I started to go to bed, he meowed from the front door, so I let him in, and he slept in my bed. Just leaped up and sprawled out. Had breakfast in the morning, drifted off, then showed up again, rubbing against my calves for lunch. So we shall see. If he's still hanging around Monday, I'll ask my vet to check him for a chip.

My last two cats who moved in from the backyard took several weeks to get acclimatized to being in a house, so I think this cat has a family. (Who is perhaps not feeding him enough and doesn't seem to be trying to track him down, so yeah, we'll see.)

We watched Liam Neeson in The Ice Road, and one of the villains had these incredible blue eyes, and I thought, haven't I seen those eyes? So I looked him up, scanned down his credits, most of which I didn't see, but there, Devinoni Ral in ST:TNG in 1989. Yeah, that was him. Great eyes, so blue. I only vaguely remember the episode, kinda feeling lately that I should rewatch both TOS and TNG.

And Quantum Leap too. I was sorry to see that Willie Garson passed away (he was my age, agh, cancer sucks so much) but disconcerted that the obits kept mentioning his appearance as Lee Harvey Oswald on QL. And I was no, he played a fast-talking newsboy. He was both, but I don't even remember him as Oswald. I do remember he was funny on Stargate SG-1 as the alien who creates Wormhole X-treme and enjoyable on both White Collar and Hawaii 5-0. He was a great character actor.

Anyway, life's mostly fine. Weather's cooling off, I'm still working on purging/moving things back into the bedrooms I painted, started a new calligraphy class this morning, have been writing relatively consistently on two SamBucky fics. And maybe I'll do some more of that now. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/321911.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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