Aug 21, 2007 12:03
after spending an entire month in hongkong, china, and taiwan, i have never ever in my whole entire life [no kidding] been so ecstatic to come home to my OWN HOME in FREMONT with my own lovely lovely room.
after spending an entire month in extreme humid weather, and then in taiwan with a humid and crazy taiphoon that rained like i've never seen before as if there were no tomorrow, i have never been happier to come home to beuatiful beauuuttifful fremont weather. NONHUMID WARM AND JUST SO PERFECT EVERYTHING,,, THAT MY GRAMMAR DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE!!!
AFTER A MONTH OF NONSTOP ASIAN ASIAN FOOD [which were, nonetheless, very yummy] i have bever been happier to eat the simplest most taken for granted american foods!
i love asia. but goood grief, it is SO GOOD TO BE HOME .. IM AMERRRRRICAAAAAAAAAAAa! with nice people who arent rude and who dont look at you if you speak english ;];];];];];]]]]