I have to sell some of my kpop &jpop stuffs and I decided to sell it internationally. I don't want to state it everywhere but all of the goods are in good quality, I took good care of them.
The prices doesn't include the shipping fee which the buyer has to pay. I accept Western Union only. If you wanna buy something send an e-mail to this address:
shinozuka.kaori@gmail.com (Subject should be "Buying this or that" so I won't ignore it.)
Click on the pics to enlarge.
~*~*~ KPOP ~*~*~
Super Junior Photobook
Boys in City Season 3 - Hong Kong
Super Show 3 uchiwa - Donghae
~*~*~ JPOP ~*~*~
Winter Party Diamond DVD
Break the Records DVD
cartoon KAT-TUN II You DVD (limited edition)
Note: I bought this DVD second-hand, but it's in a really good quality. Besides this is a limited edition which you can't buy anymore.