Crazy ass dream

Dec 06, 2005 08:07

I know I never update anymore. I guess that is just because the only times I used to update regularly is when I was feeling really shitty about life. And now I have my Robyn and life just isn't shitty anymore. It is amazing. I love her so much. I couldn't ask for a more carrying, beautiful, and all around wonderful girl. I'm so lucky to have her, and I miss her dearly. Anyways, I just wanted to right down a few details of this crazy dream I had hoping that someone will read this and remind me of it for later. Well there was a pet shop where I was like walking around and this little kid and his mom were there. And she starting talking to me and I didn't know how she knew my name until I realized I was wearing a nametag and that my shirt had my name on it. (Not sure what the nametag was about) But she gives me some money and tells me to make the little boys day by letting him think that a stranger was nice enough to buy him a gift. After that there is all sorts of weird happens in the pet shop. Like a Croc eating the bunny the kid wanted and then pooping it out alive. And then the kid gets bit so the owner has to close up shop because she didn't have any signs warning of animals biting. Also part of my dream involved one of my 370 tas staying at my house which I'll go into more if someone brings this up or not in case I forget. Well I need to get to German.
Auf Wiedersehen!
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