Something Silly

Apr 14, 2011 22:12

title: something silly
pairing: donghae/eunhyuk
rating: pg
word count: 2074
summary: Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. Donghae and Eunhyuk don't really mind.
notes: Inspired by this. Yes, this is Glee inspiring my kpop fic.

something silly

You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs

If you’ve heard one, you’ve heard them all.

I love you. Do you love me? I hope you do. And if you don’t, I’ll make you fall so hard, but I’ll catch you right before you hit the ground.

It’s everywhere. Streaming through the blurry airwaves of the radio. Staple background music to every single romantic comedy ever played in a cinema or squeezed into a thirty minute time block reeling on a tv screen. The most played tracks in people’s music libraries. Even the classic vinyl records profess it time and time again.

Hyukjae wonders why people don’t get tired of it.

Donghae wonders why people would.

But I look around me and i see it isn't so...

They themselves are guilty of it. They start out with promising to hold you in their arms and make you fly because life couldn't get better all the way to the declaration that it’s you and it’s you until they can feel your wrinkles because they are men in love because you, you are so beautiful.

Hyukjae feels bad for all these people creating themselves illusions and taking the you in their lyrics (which aren’t even theirs' to begin with) a little too literally.

Donghae gives the fans what they want. He sings like he’s serenading them and only them, and maybe that’s only adding to the fuel but if it grants them a little happiness, who is he to say otherwise? (Although, halfway through the Super Show 2, he isn’t sure how much longer he can take singing about how much he loves his oh-oh-oh-oppa and Donghae thinks maybe Hyukjae has a point.)

Some people want to fill the world up with silly love songs

The music industry constantly nurtures this never ending craving. They receive the lyrics to their new single, and it’s a minimal variation of the last one. Genuine and innocent feelings they catch themselves wondering just how genuine and innocent are they. With all the songs ever sung, written, produced, performed, it seems redundant and repetitive to just take the same lyrics, same words and general ideas, twist them up a bit with new metaphors but they’re all saying the same things.

The outside world may criticize, call it a big gimmick and that they’re all in it for the money, the fame. They’re just empty words sung by unimpressive voices.

Sometimes, Hyukjae agrees. He fills his music player with songs about life and death, about the struggle, about not giving a rat’s ass about what they say about you, about being misunderstood and about sexy girls.

Sometimes, Donghae wonders why they’re so blind. He takes Eunhyuk’s music player and creates him play-lists with titles like Tabloism Philosophy 101: Love yourself, Love others, Love life; Curvaceous Love; and The Map to the Heart of the World.

And what's wrong with that? I’d like to know

Donghae makes Hyukjae think silly things. Stupid things like how if he wanted to, he’d let Donghae kiss him forever (except it would eventually get messy with too much saliva and their lips would start to cramp and that would be bad). Thoughts like Donghae’s dancing is just about the most beautiful thing Hyukjae has ever seen and how Donghae is kind of imperfectly perfect, with his big goofy smile and his lack of concentration when Hyukjae is talking to him and his annoying habit of stealing Hyukjae’s food and leaving bruises all over his skin and using his deodorant. Impossible things before Hyukjae is even conscious of them taking shape in fragile paper printed pictures. Pictures of Donghae’s wrinkling skin, the lines stretching from the corners of his eyes all the way to his ears, of watching the sun set and falling asleep in matching rocking chairs with a floppy eared dog to complete the unrealistically vivid portrait.

Hyukjae is silly. He pushes Donghae away when what he really wants is to pull him closer. Donghae grips harder and fends off Hyukjae’s pushing hands by kicking his knees and throwing him down with no choice but to support his weight because Donghae isn’t going anywhere.

Hyukjae will tell Donghae that this isn’t real, they’re losing grip on what’s tangible and what isn’t, and Donghae just smiles, a little petulant and a little hurt, cuts Hyukjae off mid sentence with his mouth and shows him how very real they are the only way he knows how.

Hyukjae obsesses over his lack of muscle build and his hair, starts going to the gym like it’s the bathroom and trying out every style on the planet pretty much, and Donghae always wants to grab him and make him stop because why does it matter that Siwon is ripped and that Heechul can rock any hairstyle? Donghae has loved the way Hyukjae looks since he was a gangling stick boy with more gums than eyes and the worst dye job in the history of dye jobs, the boy who made his heart thump harshly in his chest and want to strip Hyukjae of the t-shirt sticking to his sweaty skin and feel every flat surface with his fingers and tongue.

I can't explain. The feeling's plain to me, see can’t you see

It is the most natural thing in the world for Donghae to lean over one day and kiss Hyukjae.

The only reaction Hyukjae can think of is instinct. He kisses back.

You gave me more. You gave it all to me

It doesn’t matter how close you are to someone, there’s always a part you keep to yourself.

Hyukjae wishes he didn’t understand Donghae’s train of thought so well. How not amazed he is at the things he says at time and how they even start to make sense. When everyone just stares at Donghae like he’s lost a screw and someone needs to get on the floor and look for it before someone slips and breaks a hip, Hyukjae smiles because he’s the only one who gets it.

People say Donghae wears his heart on his sleeve, but Hyukjae is the sensitive one. He can’t keep in what he feels, can’t stop things from hurting him and taking offense instead of just brushing his shoulders off. It’s in his tight smiles, in the shine in his eyes when someone takes a joke too far. Hyukjae tries hiding it, but in the sanctuary of his room, he doesn’t bother masking his emotions, and lets Donghae see each one uncovered the same way they uncover their skin. Without holding anything back and keeping each secret they hide from the world sealed in each other’s mouths.

Love doesn't come in a minute

When Hyukjae meets Donghae, all he sees is a new friend. Another one like him with stars in his eyes and the desire to reach out and grab them. The difference between Donghae and most of the other trainees: Donghae already has his hands halfway to the sky.

When Donghae first meets Hyukjae, all he sees is his nose. It draws his eyes like a magnet and his first instinct is to reach out and poke it. He finds a way to repress that instinct and instead, tells Hyukjae he’s an amazing dancer, if he wants to practice later after singing and boring acting lessons. Hyukjae smiles with a nod, says something back, but all Donghae can see is his gums, the pretty flush that takes over his cheeks, and the pinkish tip of his nose, bless you! Junsu yells in his ear when Hyukjae sneezes. It takes a while for Donghae to associate anything that isn’t pink with Hyukjae.

Sometimes it doesn't come at all

Hyukjae has had his heart broken a few times. The pressure from the public, the opinion of the fans, it all puts too much stress and too much strain while Hyukjae watches it all crumble and slip from his bony fingers. His heart always hurts after, each memory of a smile, of a touch, of a timid first kiss. The pain goes away eventually, and Hyukjae catches himself thinking, maybe he was wrong. Maybe it wasn’t love at all. Other times, he’s not even left with the memory. He puts his heart on the line and all he gets is a brush off, led to believe that someone feels the same only to say, sorry, but I don’t really feel that way. On occasion, it’s been Hyukjae to cause a fissure in someone else's heart, to watch eyes pool with tears and hear the hitch in someone's breath to keep the sobbing at bay. It doesn’t hurt any less whether it is love or not.

Donghae doesn’t put his heart on the line. It’s always there. Just waiting for someone to either pick it up, hold it close and care for it, or toss it back in his face and laugh. Donghae never takes it back. People call him foolish or dumb, naive because you can’t trust the world, even less its people, what kind of insane person puts their most valuable possession on the chopping block. Donghae doesn’t see the world as a chopping block and he doesn’t trust people. He trusts hearts and he trusts his own.

I only know that, when I'm in it, it isn’t silly at all

At two in the morning, Hyukjae always moves over in his bed, sticking himself to the wall as Donghae presses his cold feet to his knees and lays his head on his pillow. Hyukjae knows not to say anything, simply let Donghae press his lips to his ear and fill his sound waves with words Hyukjae can read by the circles beneath Donghae’s eyes and the lines on his forehead. Sometimes they’re so exhausted they cry, or laugh until their stomachs ache, and sometimes, they say nothing at all. Donghae knows that Hyukjae will always move over, will always warm his feet with his pajama clad legs, will always act bothered in the morning when Donghae doesn’t let him get out of bed only because he feels like he has to.

At two in the afternoon on his day off, Donghae goes over step after step with Hyukjae, perfecting an already perfect choreography and makes sure to drag Hyukjae out for food when it looks like Hyukjae’s skin will start peeling off if he keeps sweating at the pace he’s going.

At six in the morning, Hyukjae never fails to pick up the phone because Donghae likes talking as the make-up stylist works on his face, getting powder all over his phone and his ear sticking to the screen from hairspray. Even though Hyukjae was asleep, and Donghae is too because he keeps trying to talk to him in Mandarin, Hyukjae doesn’t hang up and falls back asleep with the phone pressed to his ear.

There isn’t a time stamp when Donghae just knows Hyukjae is irritated or upset. He doesn’t steal his food during dinner on those days and offers to give him a foot massage. The next day, he steals more of Hyukjae’s food than he usually does and asks where the Lysol is because he needs to disinfect his hands.


“What are you listening to?”

Hyukjae looks away from staring at the ceiling, all covered with his favorite lyrics and melodies littering the tiles, and smiles at Donghae.

“Something silly.”

Chuckling, Donghae walks into the room, makes Hyukjae give him some room and stretches his limbs on Hyukjae’s bed. Hyukjae rearranges himself so his elbow isn’t pressing into Donghae’s stomach but that doesn’t stop Donghae from throwing his legs over Hyukjae’s, weaving their feet together so tight, Hyukjae loses all feeling in his left leg. Donghae takes the ear bud Hyukjae hands him and smiles.

“I like silly things,” Donghae says as the song echoes about destiny tapping him on the shoulder but it was really your touch and there’s no reason to live without you.

“Yeah.” Hyukjae starts to mouth the lyrics and Donghae whispers them quietly, honest and real and letting the song tell Hyukjae that he sees the sun and stars in his eyes when Hyukjae looks at him sometimes. Most of the time. All of the time.

“I like silly things too.”


a/n: lyrics in italics refer to “Silly Love Songs” by Paul McCartney
The lyrics referred to in the last segment are from “Map the Soul” by Epik High ft. MYK.
I kind of really like this but also don’t. I’ve been told it doesn’t come off as sappy, but if does to you and gives you cavities, you can send me the bill and I will gladly pay for your root canal.

pairing: donghae/eunhyuk, genre: romance, author: the super awfadtco, work: fanfiction, fandom: super junior, rating: pg

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