Romance in Aisle 5

Nov 27, 2011 21:28

Title: Romance in aisle 5
Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae
Chapter: 5/6
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, fluff, Supermaket!au
Summary: Romance always appears in the strangest of places. And Hyukjae certainly doesn’t expect it when the cashier rings up his basket of suggestive purchases.

Written with tees2mai

[A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Exams. Anyway, only one more chapter to go!]

“Hyukjae?” Donghae hammered on the bathroom door, sighing as he called out to his boyfriend. “Hyukjae? Open the door?”

Hyukjae's roommate walked by slowly and handed him the key to the bathroom. "There, he hasn't come out since he got in..." She frowned.

“He’s upset. I can understand why.” Donghae rubbed his forehead as he unlocked the door and handed back the key. “Thanks.”

She nodded and headed back to her room. Hyukjae was in water that was getting cold then, boxers still on as he hugged himself, eyes red.

“Hey…” Donghae sighed, sitting down beside the tub. “I heard what happened. Are you okay?”

"No..." Hyukjae sighed, slowly looking up at Donghae, looking sad and like he had cried for hours.

“I’m sorry.” Donghae cupped Hyukjae’s cheek, kissing him softly. “I shouldn’t have called you up today.”

Hyukjae crawled out of the tub and clung onto Donghae like a koala and buried his face into his neck. "I hate today."

“Hey… it’s not your fault.” Donghae reassured, hugging Hyukjae tightly. “You’re being overworked. It’s not fair that he scolded you. I swear, I’ll rearrange that superior of yours.”

"I just can't do this anymore, I keep working so hard but I get no where and then... I get to hear all this shit..." He broke down in Donghae's arms. "I don't know what do to anymore... Fuck, you don't know how much debt I'm in and I got rejected for two of the jobs I applied for... I just..." He shook his Donghae's arms.

“Shush…” Donghae pulled away, shaking Hyukjae. “Listen to me, Hyukjae. This isn’t your fault. I know things may seem bad now, but it’ll be better. And until then, you have me, alright?”

Hyukjae nodded slowly. "W-what do I do?" He asked pathetically. "What if he fires me?"

“He won’t.” Donghae murmured, looking seriously into Hyukjae’s eyes. “I’ll make sure he won’t. And I’ll do it without pulling any strings and so that it is on your own power. I swear it.”

Hyukjae shook his head and slumped against Donghae. "I just need to sleep right now, and not have to do anything tomorrow, I can't face him..."

“Of course. But first you have to get dry first. Alright?” Donghae picked Hyukjae up, wrapping him with a towel he grabbed off the rack.

Hyukjae nodded but as soon as he was up, he moved back to lean on Donghae and let him do everything.

Wrapping Hyukjae up properly in a towel, Donghae carried him out of the bathroom and nodding at Hyukjae’s worried roommate, went into Hyukjae’s bedroom. Laying Hyukjae down onto the bed, Donghae gently brushed Hyukjae’s hair out of his eyes, kissing his forehead softly. “Rest, alright?”

"Stay with me?" Hyukjae said softly, reaching out for Donghae's arm. He didn't want to be alone anymore. His eyes kept dropping shut because he was exhausted but he fought with it to look at Donghae.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right here.” Donghae reassured, laying down beside Hyukjae.”

Hyukjae nodded and closed his eyes, "Thank you." He whispered, burying his face into Donghae's chest before starting to fall asleep.

Donghae gently rubbed Hyukjae’s back until he fell asleep, and only when he was sure, Donghae pulled away carefully, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone.

“Hello? Yes... I’d like to do a check on anyone in the office connected to Lee Hyukjae? Yes. Thank you.”


Hyukjae slept through the night, clinging onto Donghae the entire time, so tired that he didn't wake up until noon the next day. His head felt heavy and his eyes refuse to open for a few minutes until he was finally wide wake, wincing at his head and rubbing his eyes.

Donghae stirred the moment Hyukjae did and smiling softly, he kissed Hyukjae’s forehead. “Good morning?”

Hyukjae smiled despite the headache and looked at the clock on his wall. "Good afternoon." He teased, dropping his head back on Donghae's chest.

“Ah... we slept for that long, huh?” Donghae smiled back, teasing the back of Hyukjae’s neck. “We going to stay here the whole day?”

Hyukjae laughed softly, closing his eyes. "Yes please. There’s nowhere else for me to go." He half joked, hugging Donghae.

“That’s not true.” Donghae shook his head. “I’m sure when you go back tomorrow everything will be fine.”

"I doubt it... I'll just go in later and pack my stuff... I can still move in with you right? I'll have to find a job somewhere to pay my roommate back..." Hyukjae frowned, mentally making a list.

“Yes, of course.” Donghae sighed, ruffling Hyukjae’s hair before whispering. “Even if you don’t have a need to move out, I’d still like you to come to my place.”

Hyukjae smiled and looked at him, sitting up on his legs. "Then can I move in this weekend?" He asked, smiling brightly at Donghae.

“Sure. Anytime.” Donghae reached up, pulling Hyukjae down so that he could kiss him on the lips.

Hyukjae leaned down and kissed Donghae deeply, smiling. "I love you. Thank you for doing so much for me."

“I’m not doing anything beyond just loving you.” Donghae replied truthfully.

"And that’s a whole lot!" Hyukjae insisted, giving him eskimo kisses.

Donghae laughed, wrinkling his nose. “That’s ticklish.”

Then he paused winding his fingers through Hyukjae’s hair. “Do you want to get up now? Or stay in bed?”

Hyukjae laughed and finally pulled away, looking out his small window. "I think... I think it's time to be a big boy and face the world again." He nodded.

“I’ll be right beside you.” Donghae whispered wrapping his arms around Hyukjae’s waist. “Maybe not physically, but I’ll always be watching over you.”

"Stalker." He stuck his tongue out. "Alright, stalker boyfriend... let’s change and go get coffee... A nice, big cup of grown up coffee..."

“I thought you knew that when you first met me?” Donghae teased, before nodding. “Coffee sounds good.”

Hyukjae laughed. "I sometimes forgot and think you're normal." Hyukjae teased, starting to change into different clothes."

“Years of spying on normal people and wishing I was like that. I don’t think I’ll ever be.” Donghae sighed, standing up and straightening his outfit. “Mmm... I think my maid is going to kill me for sleeping in this suit.” He laughed.

Hyukjae laughed. "I'll apologize to her and tell her it was my fault! And that she doesn't have to worry because I'll be fussing over your suits from now on." He grinned, leaning in to peck Donghae once he was done changing. "You are perfect the way you are to me..."

“As are you.” Donghae grinned. “Come on, let’s go get some coffee. I know a good place that’s not too expensive.”

Hyukjae nodded and smiled at Donghae. "One condition..." He said, moving behind Donghae and trying to climb onto his back. "I demand a piggyback ride!"

“Hey, hey!” Donghae shook his head, before propping Hyukjae up on his back. “Careful... are you steady up there? Alright? Let’s go!”

And jumping up, he rushed out of the door, nearly causing Hyukjae to bang his head on the door frame.

"Donghae!" Hyukjae laughed, holding onto his neck tightly. "Don't kill me on the way out."

But Donghae only laughed, breezing by Hyukjae’s roommate who stared wide-eyed at them. “Let’s go~!”

"Bye! I'll bring you dinner!" He called out to her as Donghae took him out, laughing into Donghae's ear.

They got more than a few stares as they rushed out into the streets, careening down the sidewalk, yelling and whooping. There were a few near misses, but Donghae managed to get them to the café he wanted to bring them to without any mishap.

“Okay. We’re here.” Donghae said, panting. “Get down?”

Hyukjae was laughing loudly, getting off Donghae slowly. "We're alive!" He screamed, jumping up and down once. He looked at the coffee shop and dragged Donghae in. "Lets go, I'm starving!"

“Of course we’re alive.” Donghae frowned, feigning offence. “Because of that you’re treating me to coffee.”

Hyukjae laughed at that and leaned in to peck Donghae quickly. "Okay... plain tap water for the both of us it is." He teased, before stepping to the counter and pulling out his wallet. He pulled out his only credit card, glancing at the prices briefly before picking something to have.

“I was joking silly.” Donghae chuckled, pulling the credit card away. “Pick whatever you like. My treat.”

Hyukjae looked at him and frowned. "But I hardly get to treat you... it's only fair." He pointed out, reaching for his card.

“Another time.” Donghae chuckled, a gleam in his eyes. “Maybe dinner?”

Hyukjae smiled and nodded. "Dinner. And you have to promise not to pay for a thing."

“Promise.” Donghae grinned, holding out his pinky.

Hyukjae wrapped his pinky around Donghae's but still made his way over to the counter, ordering something inexpensive and a muffin.

Paying for their food, Donghae carried everything to the table, seating Hyukjae down. “So you’re going back in the afternoon?”

Hyukjae sat and took his muffin, pulling a bite for himself and then feeding Donghae a bite. "Um... Yeah I think."

Donghae sipped from his coffee cup thoughtfully, chewing on the muffin. “Mmm... I see. Want me to go with you?”

"Um... people would wonder why you're there when I am." Hyukjae frowned, not wanting Donghae to get in trouble.

There was a secret in Donghae’s smile. “I think it’ll be fine.”

"...Okay." Hyukjae looked at his smile. He looked around and then quickly leaned in to kiss Donghae once more. "Thanks."

“No problem.” Donghae grinned. “Finish your coffee before it gets cold.”

Hyukjae nodded and drank up, feeding Donghae his muffin once in a while, smiling contently.

Once they were done, Donghae got up, helping Hyukjae up as well. “Shall we go then? To the office?”

"Uh, yes, might as well get it over with." Hyukjae smiled, walking out with Donghae. He stood out and hailed a cab for them.

Donghae didn’t say anything, only following Hyukjae. The taxi ride was relatively quiet and fast, and it wasn’t long before they were outside the office.

Hyukjae took a deep breath and looked at Donghae once last time before stepping out of the elevator, onto his floor. "Wish me luck." He mouthed before turning away from his boyfriend and heading to his cubical to pack things.

Donghae shook his head, but smiled, going up to his office to wait.

As if he knew something that Hyukjae didn’t.

When Hyukjae stepped off the elevator and walked up to his cubicle, he was suddenly approached by an official looking man. “Lee Hyukjae?”

Fuck, Hyukjae thought mentally. Was he being sued? Were they kicking him out with security? He paled slightly and turned to the man to nod his head respectfully. "Yes?"

“I see that you’ve gotten the memo. Please take your time to pack up, I’ll escort you to your new office. Then we’ll go see the boss. He would like to congratulate you in person.” The man bowed, seemingly unaware of all the eyes on them.

Hyukjae was mentally willing himself to not burst into tears or drop on his knees and beg for his job when- hang on. Did the man say new office? Hyukjae gaped at him and dropped his box of belongings. "N-new office? What?"

“Yes. You’re the new director of communications.” The man seemed confused. “You did get the memo, didn’t you? That’s why you’re back.”

"I... I... W-what?" Hyukjae looked at him. Director of communications? A job on the higher level? Something that actually paid enough to live on- something he'd been dying to do? He blinked at the man and shakily picked up his things. "N-no... I didn't get a memo... I... I'm just cleaning out my office..." He said, slowly trying to let it sink in while picking up the last of the stuff that belonged to him.

“Oh. You thought? Oh no, you didn’t know? There was a check done on all company employees, and it was found out your old boss was not only embezzling company funds, he was also making you do high-level work to you and passing it all off as his own.” The man explained.

"...It’s my job?" Hyukjae said softly. Now it began to make sense. People on his level and in his position didn't do all that kind of work. Now it made sense. He kept quiet and nodded, wondering why he hadn't heard of this earlier. "Wh-where is my new office?" He asked cautiously not trusting anything. This could all be just a dream.

“I’ll bring you to it now if you’re ready.” The man bowed.

Hyukjae nodded and held his box close to him, looking around to see if everyone were in on this elaborate joke.

But it wasn’t a joke, and the man pressed the button to the top floor.

Hyukjae mouthed the word 'top floor' a few times like he couldn't believe it and stared at the door, waiting for them to open. Top floor. Where the bosses worked. What was he going to do there?

“Sir, this is our floor.” The man gestured Hyukjae to get off, before leading Hyukjae to his office, and office very much like Donghae’s.

Hyukjae cautiously stepped into the office, eyes widening at it. He hadn't paid this much attention to Donghae office, but he took in every detail and corner of his own, imprinting it into his mind.

“I’ll leave you to take a look around then, sir.” The man carefully bowed out, leaving Hyukjae alone in the room.

Or maybe not so alone as he thought.

“What do you think?” A familiar voice sounded, “I had a hand in choosing the decorations. Your old boss had a horrible sense of style.”

Hyukjae almost took a deep breath and leaned against the window when Donghae's voice came ringing through his ear. He jolted up and turned around, box still held tightly in his hands as he stared at Donghae. Still not believing this. Hyukjae didn't have good luck. Donghae and him? That was bending his luck backwards and twisting its arm. "Did you do this?" He asked, maybe Donghae made this all happen and it wasn't as real as he thought.

“No.” Donghae shook his head. “The only thing I did was to order a check on your boss. I’ve been meaning to since a while when you were telling me about the work you did. Something smelled fishy so... But everything else was your own work. My father was the one who decided to promote you.”

"...Your dad promoted me?" Hyukjae said, stepping closer to Donghae, looking even more surprised then before. He walked to Donghae until his box was squished between them and leaned forward to put his forehead against Donghae’s. "Oh my god." He inhaled, letting a wide smile finally show on his face, eyes closing to take in the moment. "....I have to call my mom."

“Go ahead.” Donghae smiled, cupping Hyukjae’s cheek. “She’s going to be really happy I’m sure.”

Hyukjae nodded, still in a daze as he dropped his box on his desk and pulling his phone out and dialling his mother’s number, waiting for her to pick up before letting his emotions burst. "Mama! I got a promotion!" He practically yelled as his mother picked up and there was a moment before a soft laughter came through the other end, congratulating him.

Donghae smiled as he watched Hyukjae chat excitedly with his mother. To think that Hyukjae was anticipating getting fired this morning. The difference between that and now was so vast, and Donghae quietly enjoyed the expression of pure joy on Hyukjae’s face.

"Okay... Okay, yeah mama, I love you too." Hyukjae smiled brightly, looking over at Donghae. Once he put down the phone, he ran to Donghae and wrapped his arms around him, wrapping his legs around his waist as well, kissing him deeply.

Surprised, Donghae gasped a little before responding to the kiss, hands winding up into Hyukjae’s hair and tried to pull him closer.

But before anything could really happen, there was a slight cough at the door. “Ahem. I’m sorry. Am I interrupting anything?”

Breaking off the kiss, Donghae blinked before giving a bright smile. “Oh, hi dad.”

Hyukjae really got into the kiss, until Donghae pulled away and he realized who was in the room. He let out a sound of surprise and jumped off Donghae, fixing his clothes before giving Donghae's father a bow of respect. "I'm so sorry Sir." He said really fast, hoping Donghae' father wasn't angry at them.

But Donghae’s father only quirked an eyebrow at his son. “I do hope you didn’t arrange this for it to be convenient to you?”

Donghae only grinned. “And since when have I ever done things conveniently?”

“True.” Donghae’s father sighed, seemingly coming to a decision. Walking up to Hyukjae, he extended his hand. “So this is the Lee Hyukjae who has been dealing with so many company crises without even knowing it. I hope now that you know what jobs you’re dealing with, you’ll do even better.”

Hyukjae looked between them, shocked and stood up, feeling awkward. He looked at Donghae's dad as he was addressed and nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir. You won’t be disappointed." He smiled brightly, happy to have the job, extending his hand out to shake his.

“Good. I’ll leave my son to you to. Make sure he’s not late for meetings as he usually is.” Donghae’s father grinned, shaking Hyukjae’s hand enthusiastically.

“Dad, you know all that is just image building.” Donghae rolled his eyes, sighing.

"He won’t be late ever again." Hyukjae nodded, speaking over Donghae's voice, promising Donghae's dad. Donghae's dad accepting not only their relationship but giving him a promotion was the most amazing thing.

Donghae sighed. “Great, ganging up on me.” He murmured, but he proudly put a hand on Hyukjae’s shoulder, commenting to his dad. “When did you find out I was dating Hyukjae?”

“Only just now. When I saw you two eating each others’ faces. I only thought you had just took an interest in him.” Donghae’s father shook his head, sighing. “But I’d still have promoted him nevertheless. His work speaks for itself.”

"Thank you, so much, sir. Really, this mean a... it just means a lot to me." Hyukjae nodded, "I won’t let... my relationship with Donghae interfere with my work." He nodded, not wanting to disappoint Donghae's father. "I... I hope you're okay with us dating." He asked, wanting to make sure Donghae's dad wouldn't be mad at Donghae.

Donghae’s dad sighed. “Even if I weren’t, he’d just go ahead with it. And as it is, it’s not like I can hold any fault against him. He’s a model son, even if he sneaks out during his free time to work at a supermarket and dates a low-level employee. Although now, that employee is pretty high up in the ranks, so I guess I shouldn’t have that much of a problem. I’d never get him into a political marriage anyway. So...”

Donghae’s father ruffled Hyukjae’s hair, grinning. “I guess you have my blessing.”

Hyukjae smiled happily, looking over at Donghae with nothing but admiration and love in his eyes. "Thank you sir. I'll take very good care of Donghae." He turned back to assure Donghae's dad. He felt so happy right then. Getting Donghae's dad’s approval meant a lot. It meant he didn't have to hide their relationship from people who mattered to them.

Donghae hid a smile. “Alright. You’ve had your time with your new star employee, chairman. Now, I must have some time to debrief my new underling.” He put his arms akimbo, grinning at Hyukjae.

Hyukjae rolled his eyes at Donghae but nodded. "He means he's going to hand me my new task and not anything that shouldn't be done in an office, right Donghae?" Hyukjae smiled.

Donghae was the epitome of innocent. “Whatever do you mean, Lee-sshi?”

Donghae’s father laughed, shaking his head. “Just try not to break the desk.” He warned dryly as he left.

Hyukjae blushed and when Donghae's father was out of sight, he waited for a moment before leaning over and placing a chaste but meaningful kiss on Donghae's cheek. "And what are my tasks for today, sir?" He asked gently, unable to not look at Donghae with anything but how he felt for him.

Donghae laughed. “I thought I already said. I need to... debrief you.” He chuckled, hooking his fingers onto Hyukjae’s waistband.

Hyukjae laughed and put his hands over Donghae’s. "You can... debrief me when I move in tomorrow. Today.... Today you can either let me take in my office and meet my mother... or give me real work to do."

Donghae laughed, shaking his head. “Spoilsport. Fine. Your official duties only start tomorrow. I’ll let you take in your office and do whatever else you want. Unfortunate, a new employee doesn’t exempt me from my work either. If I’m not wrong, that’s my ever-suffering assistant coming to nag at me to get to some meetings.”

And sure enough, a dead-panned looking man opened the door to Hyukjae’s office not a few minutes later, glaring at Donghae. “Sir.” He said with the long-suffering air of someone who’s dealing with an uncooperative child. “The car is waiting.”

“Geez. Don’t get your underpants in a knot, Kyuhyun. I’m coming.” Donghae shook his head, pulling Hyukjae into one last kiss.

Hyukjae kissed him happily, despite another person being in the room and looked at Kyuhyun or a moment before turning to Donghae. "Go be a good boy." He said firmly, "And if I hear one complaint from your assistant later today you can forget about me moving in." Hyukjae told him seriously before turning to Kyuhyun. "You can tell me if he's acting like a child." He grinned, turning to Donghae to stick his tongue out.

"Bye..." He waved at Donghae cutely before mouthing the words 'I love you to him'. He leaned back on his table, ready to settle in.

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow at Hyukjae before smirking, seeing Donghae’s jaw drop. “Okay. I’ll take your word for it then.”

“But Hyuk! Kyuhyun’s evil!” Donghae whined even as he was literally dragged out of the office by Kyuhyun. “Hyukjaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...”

The door closed behind them, leaving Hyukjae to his own devices.

Hyukjae laughed at Donghae was dragged off, sending him a flying kiss. He knew Donghae was a hard worker - he just needed to be kept on his toes. And Hyukjae would make sure Donghae would happily take over his responsibilities. Smiling widely, he turned to his office and began moving in, feeling more accomplished then he had in years.


genre: romance, pairing: donghae/eunhyuk, length: chaptered, genre: au, author: the officesmexer, rating: pg, fandom: super junior, author: backstage ninja, genre: fluff

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