Romance in Aisle 5

Oct 30, 2011 21:23

Title: Romance in aisle 5
Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae
Chapter: 3/?
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, fluff, Supermaket!au
Summary: Romance always appears in the strangest of places. And Hyukjae certainly doesn’t expect it when the cashier rings up his basket of suggestive purchases.

Written with tees2mai

Hyukjae smiled as he packed up his briefcase and picked up his phone to dial Donghae's number as he put the phone between his ear and shoulder, listening to it ring.

“Hello?” The call was picked up only a few rings. “Hyukjae? What is it?”

"Hey! Are you busy?" He asked, "Am I calling at a bad time?" He shut his briefcase and began walking to the elevator.

“Nope.” There was a pause, then a muffled sound, then Donghae spoke up clearly again. “I’m not busy at all.”

"You sure?" He asked, smiling, holding the phone as he got into the staircase so the line wouldn't cut. "Good! Guess what!" He asked enthusiastically.

“Well, whatever it is, it’s something good I guess?” There was the sound of more muffled talking then a soft shush.

"...Are you at work?" Hyukjae asked, "I shouldn't be disturbing you- sorry!" He said, ready to hang up. "I'll call later!"

But Donghae stopped him. “No, no, no. It’s fine. Don’t hang up. Tell me, what’s the good news?”

Hyukjae smiled. "Okay but if you get in trouble, don't blame me!" He laughed, "I don't know I think my boss is taking drugs, and I hope he continues, he just gave me the weekend off and let me go early!" He said excitedly, "He was talking to the higher ups and then suddenly started smiling. And we were all shocked... and when I went to hand him my report- He said I could have the weekend off! I guess you are lucky." He beamed, walking to his car.

“Wow, really?” Donghae seemed surprised. “That’s great. See, I told you didn’t I? So I guess I’m meeting you this weekend? How about a trip to the zoo?”

"How did you know I loved the zoo?" Hyukjae beamed, "Were you stalking me more?"

“Maybe.” Donghae chuckled, “Saturday, 10 a.m. at the zoo entrance then?”

"Done, see you there." Hyukjae smiled, starting his car. "I'm driving now so I'll call you later! Stay out of trouble…"

“Alright. I’ll try.” Donghae grinned. “See you Saturday!”

"Bye!" Hyukjae smiled, shutting the phone as he started driving to go back home.

Donghae smiled as well as he put down the phone, then frowned at all the stares at him. “I was just taking an important phone call. Continue your presentation.”

Then, leaning back, he crooked a finger at one of the men standing by the wall. “Good job. Remember to make the transfer to Hyukjae’s superior alright?”


Hyukjae smiled as he watched Donghae take over his shift at the counter. He had sneaked in before Donghae was supposed to get on and quietly picked up a bag of gummy bears and another bag of animal crackers as he made his way to the register, standing in line quietly.

Donghae hadn’t noticed him yet, having gotten there in a rush. He was concentrating, ringing up the purchases as quickly and efficiently as he could.

Hyukjae smiled as his food items rolled up to Donghae and he stepped in front of him, ready to pay for them, waiting for Donghae to notice him, smiling brightly, still in his work clothes, sleeves rolled up and tie loosened.

At first, Donghae concentrated on the items, scanning then in. Then, he paused, as he reached the box of animal crackers. Then, with a smile, he looked up. “Hello there, gorgeous.”

"Hey..." Hyukjae's smile brightened as he leaned closer to Donghae, kissing him, the elder woman behind him, looking slightly shocked at the exchange between customer and cashier.

Donghae was shocked as well, but he didn’t let that interfere with the kiss, tongue sliding into Hyukjae’s mouth, head tilting as he tried to pull Hyukjae closer.

Hyukjae leaned in more, as much as he could until the edge of the counter began to dig into his stomach and he finally had to pull away, pulling out a few bills to pay for his things as he did. "Just came in to buy a snack." He told Donghae, but his eyes gave away why he was really there.

“Huh.” Donghae chuckled, licking his lips, oblivious to the shocked elderly lady behind them, serenely ringing up Hyukjae’s purchases. “That’d be $12.30. Here is your change. Please come again.”

"Oh I will." Hyukjae nodded, tucking away his change and picking up his bag of treats. "One more for the road?" He asked as he leaned in and pecked Donghae, pressing their lips together for a bit before pulling back and smiling at the elderly woman and waving at Donghae, ready to leave.

Donghae shook his head at Hyukjae, a silly smile on his face. Turning to the elderly lady, he commented to her as he scanned in her purchases. “Geez. I think he’s learning bad things from me.”

And it was all the old lady could do to nod mutely.

Hyukjae was already, happily half way to his building, munching on his animal crackers with a content smile on his own face.


“I’m really sorry, Hyuk. Can’t get out of this double shift. I owe the guy. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” There was a solemn apology on Donghae’s lips over the phone.

Hyukjae pouted at the building he was standing in front off, his roommate in a shop he was standing outside off. "Yeah, I understand..." He said after making sure his voice wasn't dripping with disappointment. "I'll just hang out with my roommate today then… I mean it's just one month, not an actual anniversary..."

“I swear I’ll make it up to you.” Donghae promised. “Really sorry. I have to go now. See you. Maybe I’ll drop by your place tonight if I can.”

"Okay, alright... have a good day at work." Hyukjae smiled so Donghae could hear he did in fact understand, even though it sucked. Putting he phone down, he sighed and turned around, watching the cars drive, waiting for his roommate, deciding it would be better waiting outside then inside the lingerie shop for her.

At that moment, a fancy car stopped opposite the road where Hyukjae was on. It gleamed in the light, an eye-catching sapphire blue, and a chauffeur stepped out from the driver’s seat, moving to the back to open the door.

Hyukjae was just about to look away when a car caught his eyes. Giving it an impressed smile, Hyukjae realized it was a similar car his boss usually came to work in. Deciding to see if it really was his boss, Hyukjae adjusted the sunglasses on his face and followed the chauffeur to the back door carefully.

But the person who came out wasn’t the company boss. Instead, a young man stepped out, thanking the chauffeur gracefully. He wore a non-descript expensive suit, and expensive shoes, and even his cologne screamed understated wealth.

Hyukjae frowned, stepping forward as he took a look at the man's back. That was definitely not his boss. The man had a familiar aura to him, but Hyukjae couldn't put his finger on it.

Then, the young man turned around. He had brown hair, a pair of soft, brown eyes and handsome features that probably had made many girls go weak in the knees, even if those features were placed in a bored, long-suffering expression at the moment.

Hyukjae blinked as the man turned around, his jaw dropping slightly as he took in the familiar features in such an unfamiliar setting. Such a contrast to what he knew that it was throwing him on. He just couldn't be sure, but he knew the man looked so much like his Donghae.

But before the young man could see him, someone came up to him, shaking his hand and welcoming him. And soon, the young man was ushered into the building, entirely at home with so many big names surrounding him.

Hyukjae stared blankly for a while, mind trying to wrap his mind around what he had seen. Was that really Donghae? What the hell was going on? He was about to walk across the street when his roommate grabbed his attention and asked what was wrong. Unable to put into words what he saw, he only told her he'd catch up to her and decided to head back to the supermarket and see Donghae and tell him how freaked out he had been to see an almost exact look alike of his boyfriend!

But Donghae wasn’t at the supermarket, or at least not that Hyukjae could see. He wasn’t at his usual counter.

Thinking Donghae was maybe taking a break in the back, Hyukjae asked around for Donghae only to find out he wasn't there- at all. Frowning, he pulled out his phone as he stepped back outside and called Donghae once again.

But for the first time, Donghae didn’t answer the phone.

“The caller you have dialled is not responding. Please try again later.”

genre: romance, work: fanfiction, pairing: donghae/eunhyuk, length: chaptered, genre: au, author: the officesmexer, rating: pg, fandom: super junior, author: backstage ninja, genre: fluff

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