Well, I got a couple of nice things under the tree, hubby got me a stand for my tablet so I can watch it hands free. It's the ultimate in couch potato luxury! Daughter got me a throw with my delicious Tomoe from Kamisama Hajimemashita on it. Yum!
But the best present I got was the day off the state gave me to work on the greenhouse! I got the solar panels on their little platform over the railing off the porch and today I bought the wood to finish up the raised platform for my greenhouse. Got the platform insulated, sealed in plastic and then decked.
It was a very pretty thing when finished. The platform matches what's on the deck already and looks lots better than the OSB I was considering for a top. I also got to try out the nail gun my husband got a few years ago and never used. It made nailing the deck go MUCH quicker.
After a little confusion over the way the greenhouse frame went together, I finally figured it out and was off and running! Time caught me up so I'm not quite done, but I'm very pleased with the progress so far.
We're supposed to have just as nice weather tomorrow so I'm hoping to get much further along with the structure. So far, I've been able to do it all myself, but the directions suggest getting two assistants to get the roof beams up. Good thing I have two kids. ;)
Hope your Holiday was just as satisfying!