Various stuff...

Oct 01, 2010 20:11

It's October. it's time to be flooded, inundated and otherwise buried in pink ribbons. Why? Because it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or something like that. I know..."The Message" isn't intended for me, because I'm about as "aware" as a person can possibly be, having survived it myself. Still, I find myself irritated, to varying degrees, by the ad campaigns.

To be fair, I find most ad campaigns annoying. I guess I have the feeling that I "gave at the office." Perhaps it's also because most of my friends are already aware, for one reason another. Perhaps it's because of the gross oversimplification of the nature of cancer, in general, and breast cancer, in particular.

For instance, did you know that there is more than one kind of breast cancer? Ductal carcinoma (that's the one I had), lobular carcinoma, Paget's disease of the breast and inflammatory breast cancer. This is why I find the statement, "Do [insert activity here] for The Cure." THE cure? I rather doubt that a single approach would prove efficacious, even with breast cancer, and of course, we're not even discussing other kinds of cancer.

Still, I suppose it helps to make people more aware, even if the ads bug me to varying degrees.

Today has been quiet. I've done a few chores around the house and otherwise been extremely dull and routine. Neil will be home in a couple of hours. I'm still trying to figure out what I should cook for supper.

That's all for now. Take care, and may your weekend be pleasant.


PS: Wanna see a movie I made? it's our landing at Pullman, back on September 8.!/video/video.php?v=1629613427284

breast cancer, rants, breast cancer awareness, food

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