May 29, 2009 23:04
Nothing much. Neil is double-shifting, and I have about an hour and fifteen minutes until he returns home. Supper will be Chicken Kiev and noodles a la Knorr (chicken-flavoured).
Three rows of the Bear-blankie are sewn together. Yay! Four more to go, then the edging. Bear's birthday is June 7. I just might have it done by then. Maybe.
I have been amusing myself by watching old social hygiene films on the Prelinger Archive. Amazing what folks thought back then, although...a lot of people nowadays could sure use a course in basic manners:
Hearts, like doors
Open with very little keys;
And two of these are,
"I thank you," and "If you please."
I am reminded of how people actually comment upon the way Neil and I talk to each other. "Neil, would you please..." "Thanks, Elaine." This is NOT rocket science, nor is it some Great Social Discovery. And why wouldn't I be polite to the man to whom I have pledged my heart? To us, it just seems simple, but we've had co-workers comment, "Gee, you're so polite to each other," as if it's something odd or unusual.
Ah well. I start supper at midnight, and now, back to watching "Encounter At Farpoint" and sewing.
Here's hope everyone has a wonderful week-end!
bear project,
star trek,