Saturday = French Toast!

Oct 04, 2008 14:31

I let Neil sleep late. Breakfast was french toast, made with the dollar-fifty a loaf bread from Wal-Mart. It's certainly cheap enough, and what I don't use for breakfasts or other meals, I can dry in the oven and turn into bread crumbs.

Last night, we had hamburgers and deep-fried yam slices. Oh, so good! And I can get raw yams for ever so much less than a bag of frozen "sweet potato fries." Neil loves them! He remarks on how good they taste every time I serve them, and they're good for you, too. Made of win!

I love that deep fryer! And it makes things so quickly! Just three minutes for chicken strips, and a bit longer for fries or hash browns. *happy sigh of total domesticity!*

It seems that a lot of people are in financial tight spots - not just us. At least we're making the bills, albeit with nothing much to spare. Naming no names, if you can spare a positive thought toward folks who can't make ends meet, please do. Goodness knows, we all need a hand from time to time.

This will be a quiet weekend of chores and possibly a couple of errands. Next week will be busy: Wednesday, I see Miss B. Neil has an echocardiogram on Friday, and after that, we're seeing a visiting out-of-town friend. Saturday, I will likely be attending a small get-together at a friend's house. Sunday, a different friend is hosting a swap meet/flea market at her house, and I have volunteered to make cookies to sell, as well as just offer general assistance. Whee!

It rained last night. Oh, wonderful rain! I just hope it keeps up like that for the entire autumn/winter season. *does rain dance*

That's about it for now, Gentle Readers. Take care, and have a lovely weekend!


cooking, finances, weather, friends, food, neil

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