Off and running...

Jul 01, 2008 08:44

Neil is off for a long day. He does unit stats tonight and a double-shift tomorrow. As for me, I am currently between knitting projects, but I imagine I'll start up the next one either today or tomorrow.

We're not getting a new car - at least not anytime soon. The credit union said that our debt-to-income ratio was a bit too high for their liking. We'll see how we can knock down a few debts and try again later. Things happen for a reason. Perhaps this means we'll get a better deal on a car a bit later on, and less debt would be good, too. For the nonce, our car seems to be running fine, and that suits me too, actually. I really like our car, and hated the idea of losing it.

This is one of the times that I hate that I'm not up to working outside the home. It would be better if we could pull in some more money, but being realistic about it, who'd hire me, and for what? I suppose I could ask for work in a local yarn shop. Then we'd face the difficulties of transportation, as well as my lack of reliability. Yesterday, for instance, I was so tired, I slept most of the day. I got up when Neil came home for lunch, ate lunch with him, and promptly went back to bed once he was gone. Poor Neil had to do cat boxes once he was home. I couldn't. The only reason I didn't surrender to the idea of fast food or a restaurant was that I am determined to cut excess spending wherever possible (yes, alas, even shoes! *grin*). No one is going to want to hire someone who: has to rest frequently, cannot be relied upon to come in without fail, and who may have to leave work at a moment's notice. Heck, I wouldn't hire me!

Oh well. Something is bound to come through for us. It always has in the past, and I'm not about to lose faith now. The current car still works. We'll make out all right.

Last night's supper was fast, due to errands. We had hamburger patties and curly fries. Tonight, I'm making Chicken Divan, which is chicken in a creamy sauce with broccoli. It's a casserole-style dish, which means I can pop it in the oven half an hour before Neil leaves work and have it on the table when he walks in the door. Yay, quick and easy recipes! Tomorrow night, I may make some kind of pasta with a meat sauce.

Last night, during our various errands, we stopped at a Staples to buy for ink cartridges for our printer (an HP 2210 all-in-one). As usual, I was aghast at how expensive the cartridges were, but then something caught my attention. They were selling these little kits that allow one to continue to reuse the old cartridge by injecting ink into the old cartridge. For seventeen dollars, one can buy three bottles of ink, a bottle of special cleaner, and a syringe. The kit comes with instructions, and the procedure is very easy. I mean, if I can manage insulin, this is easier yet - no sterile procedure to worry about. So far, so good. I bought both a black kit and a colour kit, and it seems to be working like a charm. They claim that one may fill the cartridge six times with the one kit. If so, that's a savings of one hundred dollars! Just for the black cartridge.

No camping trip, alas. Our friends have a puppy, and last night, said puppy managed to break one of his front legs whilst capering about on their couch. It's a severe fracture (ulna and radius), requiring surgical repair, so they're not going to able to afford a camping trip, nor is the puppy going to be up to it for a while. True, I'm a bit disappointed, but again, things happen for a reason. There's a lot of fire danger up in the forests, and perhaps this is for the best. I hope their pup is going to be okay. His name is Loki, and he's a Miniature Alaskan Husky Miniature American Eskimo (thanks, silverjackal), all white and as cute as a button. He's a sweet dog, and they love him very much. Poor li'l guy!

I guess that's all for this entry. Take care, all.


printer, finances, food, computer, car, cooking, friends, knitting

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