May 25, 2011 11:48
Hello anyone still paying attention out there in LJ-land! How's everybody doing? I really do want to know, so reply and tell me. I haven't kept in contact with any of you people and that is pretty shitty of me, I suppose. I would love to hear about you, or your new plots, tell me stuff.
I will tell you stuff, too. First, today is El's 127th birthday. So, I figured maybe that would be as good a day as any to write an update. If anyone saw Elarren and Ithca flouncing around Silvermoon the other night, your eyes did not deceive you. We were sent emails for 7 free days back into the game. We had some lovely walk-up RP with some folks by the fountain then got distracted by talking IRL. Soooo ... that method needs some hammering out. Maybe playing in different rooms, while awkward, would keep us focused. *shrug*
We have plenty of time to think about it because as much as I really really want to come back to Wyrmrest, it's not in the budget. :( Between the three of us living here, there are six gaming accounts screaming to be paid for. Currently, only ONE is active. I am going to turn my kid's WoW back on because summer started and being a good mom, I wouldn't give the game to myself before him. Ithca's writer plays a lot of CoH and begs me to join him over there. I would like to play both. Why must life be filled with so many choices?!
But seriously, life is good. All my pets are happy, my son is doing great, Ith and I are getting along famously, and we're not left wanting for anything we need. Bills are paid, good food is on the table. The heavy emotional burden I was under, the one that drove me to take a break from RP, is becoming less of a stressor and THAT is wonderful.
Ah, it's just about to hit noon and I must call around for a Maytag repair man. I would like to say that I will write more soon but who the hell knows with me. We will see! I do hope life has been kind on every last one of you.