Dear Ael,
Thank you for writing. Although your letter was brief, it’s good to know you think of us and took even a little time from your day to let us know. You were dearly missed this holiday season. We will make up the celebration when you come home.
I took Eli to Winterspring last week. I rented us a small hunting cabin near Frostsaber Rock. We could have stayed in our cabin, but I didn’t want to. That cabin is the last place we own that is purely ours. I haven’t told anyone where it is; in fact very few people even know we own it. Since our private home isn’t private anymore; I want there to be at least one spot we can go that is ours and ours alone. The cabin we rented was nice enough. Eli shot a few rabbits all on his own and I helped him bring down a bear. I taught Eli how to skin his rabbits and he closely watched as I butchered the bear’s meat. He was fascinated by it all and not disgusted whatsoever. He’d like to go hunting again. Perhaps I will take him to the Barrens next time. In the crate I’ve sent along you will find some things your son and I made after our trip.
Eli enjoyed the holiday from what I could tell. I was not able to get him all the things he asked for. He wants a raptor to ride like Talon. Sadly, he’s not terribly good at riding his pony yet and I am not confident enough to put him on a raptor or anything else for that matter. He really could use your help. I can ride and ride damn well, but I’m no instructor. I got him more toys than he even knows what to do with and the new saddle he asked for. He really wants a baby hyena. I bought him a windrider cub to tide him over until Scarlet gives birth. I promised him the pick of her brood in the Spring. Eli is pretty hung up on not having green eyes like all the kids at school. We sat in front of the mirror and had a long talk. I had him stare at my eyes; how they aren’t quite blue and they aren’t quite green, and explained sooner than he knows his will be the same. They are already starting to pick up the slightest green tint from all the time I spend with him in Silvermoon. Like the lame parent I am, I also gave him a lot of new clothes. He seemed to like them.
I’ve been spending a lot of time with Kriann. His son is a dragon whelp and one of Eli’s favorite friends. It’s nice to have another single father I can talk to. Even if I’m not really a single dad, I am doing this alone for now and sure do need advice wherever I can get it. Sometimes I wish Penwyn was around, he’s a good father. Speaking of, Eli met Penwyn briefly at a winter party we went to. He stared at him and finally blurted out “Why do you look like Papa?” I didn’t know if I should be horrified or if I should burst out laughing. Penwyn smiled at him and told him he’s your brother. They didn’t have any interaction but I am hopeful that he will come by the house sometime with Eilil. Because I’m sure you’d want to know; Penwyn appears to be doing better. He looks better, anyway. I honestly don’t know what’s going on with Helthir as I have not seen him, neither has Kriann. He hasn’t been glued to Penwyn’s side so I assume they are still working it out. Don’t worry, you know I will always been here for our family and anything they need. Should something go bad, I will try my best to be the rock you’d be if you were here.
Crow got to meet Eli, too. He doesn’t seem to know what to do with him. He watches every move he makes and constantly comments on how much Eli is like the both of us. If I didn’t know any better I’d think he wants to take the child apart to see what he’s made of. Crow is gentle, you know that. I look forward to him getting more comfortable around our son because I think he’s going to be a very good uncle.
Wow, this letter got long didn’t it? I will cut it off here. I miss and love you. I could write that a thousand times and it still wouldn’t express just how much I mean it. My scars ache for your touch. I do hope your tattoo doesn’t bother you too much. If it’s working properly, it should only react when you think of me or when I think of you and it should feel good. If it throbs, burns or hurts in anyway, something happened and you should make your way to me as soon as possible. If you don’t feel it at all, well … let’s hope that never happens, okay?
Hug Misty for me, I miss her too.
Endlessly yours,
[The letter was sent along with a crate containing: a pound of peppered bear jerky El made himself, rabbit fur lined gauntlets, six carefully packed snow plums, a very large bag of Winter Veil candy (mixed varieties), and a grainy Gnomish photograph of El, Eli and Scarlet in front of a decorated tree.]