This weekend, my friend
tversancame to visit me. We had many wonderful adventures (climbing a mountain and gathering mushrooms, realizing that the plumbing in our bathroom stopped working...) had a Baywatch marathon, and we made lots and lots of cake and candy.
Here is a lemon mousse cake. We tried to decide a theme, but couldn't really choose. Supernatural? Merlin? I want to do a Sherlock cake too. Then inspiration struck us (or maybe it was just the sugar high from tasting EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME). We would make a Supernatural/Baywatch cake!
Yesterday wasn’t so bad. It was colder then, and he could at least wear a jacket. Today, Dean have forbidden him to wear anything but the ridiculous swimming trunks.
They’re trying to fit in, Sam tells himself. And lifeguards can go anywhere without raising suspicion. And they really need to solve this. People are dying. That is all he should care about.
But it is unsettling, the way everybody keeps staring at him. The phrase “Abs of steel” is whispered somewhere near, and Sam immediately turns away from the group of giggling girls.
He is met with a sight that makes him forget all his own uncomfortableness.
“Dean”, he says, “what exactly did you say to Cass about clothes?”
“Told him to put on something more beach-appropriate, that’s all. Swimming shorts, no shirt or trousers... what, is there a problem?”
“Well...” Sam says. “He did what you said, at least.”
And then... eating fun! Castiel trying to heal poor Sam, who has lost his legs.